See the Metric token reference and Static macro reference for the list of tokens and macros available when formulating expressions.
Java-based mathematical expression examples
(jrockitRuntimeFreeHeap / jrockitRuntimeTotalHeap) *100
100 - jrockitRuntimeHeapFreePercent
(totalBytesIn *8) / 1024
if(hpStackPortNeighbor ne "0.0", hpStackPortOperStatus, 0)
if((nsResSessMaxium > 0),(nsResSessAllocate/nsResSessMaxium)*100,0)
if (ifAdminStatus != 1,0,ifOperStatus)
if(cfwHardwareStatusDetail_6 eq "Failover Off",0,cfwHardwareStatusValue_6)
MATCHER(ibNode2ServiceDesc, '(\+|\-){1}(\d+\.\d)')
Object identifiers (OIDs)
OIDs are unique identifiers to classify objects defined in MIB files for each managed device. For example: sysUpTime (
Types of OIDs are:
- Scalar objects: A single instance in a managed device. Scalar objects contain only a single instance with a
sub-identifier appended to the object identifier. For example, sysUpTime ( indicates the time (in hundredths of a second) when the network management part of the system was last re-initialized. - Tabular/Columnar objects: Multiple instances in a managed device. Tabular or Columnar objects contain multiple instances in a managed device. These instances are identified using a sequence of sub-identifiers appended to the object identifier. For example, ifOperStatus( indicates the current operational state of the interface.
Administrators can easily retrieve object details using OIDs from the MIBs stored on the SNMP agent.
OID lookup index
The Lookup Index gets the OID index that is appended to the end of the Lookup OID.
For example, provide as OID and as Lookup OID.

OID lookup value
The Lookup Value gets the OID value that is appended to the end of the Lookup OID.
For example, provide as OID and as Lookup OID.