This section describes how to deploy gateway as a virtual machine using OVA image on VMware ESXi Host using vSphere client.
OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) is only applicable for the Kubernetes environment and Ubuntu/Linux operating system.
To deploy a NextGen cluster in your kubernetes environment, make sure your environment meets these requirements:
- 8 GB Memory
- 50 GB Disk
- 4 Core of CPU
- AMD64 Arch
- If you are using a proxy, add the proxy details to
. For more information, refer to the documentation. - To whitelist NextGen Gateway IPs, refer to the documentation.
Step 1: Download the NextGen Gateway OVA
Follow these steps to download the nextgen gateway OVA:
From All Clients, select a client.
Go to Setup > Account > Collector Profile.
Click + ADD on the COLLECTOR PROFILES page.
Click NEXT.
Click the VIRTUAL APPLIANCE (OVA) tile. This downloads the OVA image OpsRampGateway.ova to your local computer.

- Once you have downloaded the gateway, proceed to step 2 to install the gateway.
Step 2: Install Nextgen Gateway OVA as a Virtual Machine
The installation procedures for OVA is the same for both Classic and NextGen Gateway.Click here to know how to install gateway as a virtual machine using OVA image on VMware ESXi server.
Step 3: Update Hostname and Install Kubernetes
Click here to know how to update hostname and install kubernetes on host.
Step 4: Register the Gateway Collector
Click here to know how to activate the gateway collector.