Network requirements

Gateways have the following network connectivity requirements.

Outbound connectivity

Port no. / ServiceGateway applianceWindows gatewayPurpose
TCP port 443 / vProbeYesYesConnect to the OpsRamp cloud platform using the public IP addresses.
DNS port 53 / DNSYesYesTo resolve address *
UDP port 123 / NTPYesYesNetwork time protocol is used for clock synchronization using the public IP addresses.

To find the NTP server public IPs, login to the gateway Web/Command-line interface and check the Date & Time section.

Inbound connectivity

Port no.Gateway applianceWindows gatewayPurpose
TCP port 5480YesAccess the gateway web-based admin UI for administration.
TCP port 3128YesAccept connections from agents if agents are configured to connect to the cloud using the gateway embedded proxy.
UDP port 162YesYesSend SNMP traps to the gateway from network devices.
TCP/UDP port 514YesYesSend syslog messages to the gateway from network devices.

Server requirements

Gateway appliance


Number of managed resourcesRequired server capacity
Up to 25 resources2 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM / 40 GB Disk / 1 NIC
Up to 100 resources4 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM / 40 GB Disk / 1 NIC
Up to 500 resources8 CPU cores, 16 GB RAM / 60 GB Disk / 1 NIC
Greater than 500 resources at a single siteDeploy multiple gateways

Capacity values are approximate and can vary depending on various factors, such as template frequency, resource type, network protocol, and the type of metrics.


Gateway runs on the following hypervisors:

  • VMware ESXi
  • Citrix XenServer
  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Kernel Virtual Machine(KVM)

Windows gateway


Number of managed resourcesRequired server capacity
Up to 30 network resources and 500 Windows servers4 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM / 5 GB Disk / 1 NIC.

Operating System

Windows gateways installation is supported on the following operating systems.


VendorOperating SystemVersion(s)
Microsoft WindowsWindows 1064 bit


VendorOperating SystemVersion(s)
Microsoft WindowsWindows 2012, 2016, 2019, and 202264 bit