
The Device Management Policies provide a configurable way to manage resources. You can assign monitoring templates, knowledge base articles, and custom attributes using the policy. Policies can be applied to a single resource or to a set of resources by grouping the resources using a common criteria.

An Administrator with permission to manage all devices can create a device management policy.

Create a device management policy

Follow these steps to create a device management policy:

  1. Navigate to Setup → Resources → Device Management Policies. The DEVICE MANAGEMENT POLICIES screen is displayed.

  2. Click + Add. The DEVICE MANAGEMENT POLICY screen is displayed.

  3. Select a Scope of Partner or Client. If you select Partner, select one of the following:.

    • Include All Clients: Applies device management policies to all the clients.
    • Include Clients: Applies device management policies to the clients you specify when you click +Add Include Clients.
    • Exclude Clients: Applies device management policies to all except the clients you specify when you click +Add Exclude Clients.

  4. Enter a policy Name.

  5. (Optional) Select the option Add members automatically using filter criteria to update the resource group dynamically.

  6. In the Filter Criteria section, click Any or All of the rules below to match any one or all of the conditions you define for filtering. If you select All, ensure that the resource type is the same for all filter criteria.

  7. Select a Filter Criteria Type: Resource Filters or Smart Filters.

    • Resource Filters: Use to filter resources based on resource attributes. For each of the filter criteria fields, select the filter criteria from the drop-down menu:
      Resource TypeLists all supported resource types.
      Attribute NameLists selected Resource Type attributes. Select the textbox to see the list.
      Logic conditionLogically matching criteria. Choose from:
      • Contains
      • Not Contains
      • Equals
      • Not Equals
      • Starts With
      • Ends With
      • regex
      ValueThe Attribute Name value.
      • To add more filter criteria, click Add Criteria.
      • To view all resources matching the criteria, click Show Matching Members.
      • Resource filter example: With a resource type of Device, an attribute name of Name, and the logical condition Contains applied to the string localdomain, two matching resources are listed. The Name attribute is populated in priority order: Alias Name, Host Name, Resource Name.
    • Smart Filters: Use to filter resources based on the resource types. One or more resource types can be selected from the list.
      • All Resources: Discovers all resource types.
      • Any Resources: Disables all other options except for Any Device, Any Linux, and Any Windows.

  8. Add resources using query language specifying your requirements, in the Add Using Query section. To enter a query: Type “$” followed by a resource attribute. Once you type “$”, the resource attributes are auto-populated.
    Examples of resource attributes: Agent Deploy time, Agent Version, DNS Name, etc.
    Select the attribute followed by a space and key operator value.
    Examples of key operator value: “<”, “>”, “=”, “IS”, “contains”, “IS NOT NULL”, “IN”, etc.
    Give a space after you select/enter the key operator value and enter the Value enclosed in double quotes. You can give multiple queries. Use AND or OR condition between the queries, as required.
    A green tick after entering a query indicates that the query is valid. A forbidden icon indicates that the query is incomplete or the format is incorrect.
    Click search icon. The number of resources that match the query is displayed. Click Show Matching Results. Resource list is displayed with Name, IP Address, and Resource Type details.
    Note: When using REGEX and REGEX NOT:

    • Avoid using square brackets with \d or \s

      For example:

      • $name REGEX "a[\s+].*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "a\s+.*"

      • $name REGEX "a[\d+].*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "a\d+.*"

    • Avoid using ^ and $ in attribute values.

      For example:

      • $name REGEX "^abc.*"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX "abc.*"

      • $name REGEX ".*abc$"
        This expression can be written as $name REGEX ".*abc"

  9. In the Perform Actions section, select one or more resource actions.

    OptionsAvailable forForce Assign/UnassignDescription
    Assign Monitoring TemplatesPartner, ClientAvailable
    1. Select Monitoring Templates. A list of Available Monitoring Templates is displayed.
    2. Select one or more templates from the list. You can also filter, search and select.
    3. Click the right arrow to add to the Assigned Monitoring Templates section. All the selected templates appear in the list.
    4. Note: Templates compatible with the resource type should be assigned.
    5. Override resource-level parameters: Overrides user actions and performs policy-driven actions on filtered resources.
      If you select this option, all the configuration parameter values that you define at the resource level will be overridden by the configuration parameter values that you specify in the device management policy.
      If you do not select this option, the configuration parameter values that you define at the resource level will be protected, and not be overridden by the configuration parameter values that you specify in the device management policy.
      By default, the Override resource-level parameters option is unchecked.
      For the existing Device Management Policies, the Override resource-level parameters option is checked. You can uncheck it as required.
    Assign Knowledge Base ArticlePartner, ClientAvailable
    1. Select Knowledge Base Articles. A list of Available Knowledge Base Articles is displayed.
    2. Select one or more templates from the list. You can also filter, search and select.
    3. Click the right arrow to add to the Assigned Knowledge Base Articles section. All the selected articles appear in the list.
    Assign Availability RulePartner, ClientNot Available
    1. Select the Availability rule and check the health of your resources.
    2. Choose from one of the two options displayed.
    Assign Custom AttributesPartner, ClientAvailable
    1. Select custom attributes. A list of Available Custom Attributes is displayed.
    2. Select one or more attributes from the list. You can also filter, search and select.
    3. (Optional) Click Create Custom Attribute, if you want to create a custom attribute and apply it to the resources. A Create Custom Attribute window opens.
    4. Provide a name and value and click Save. The attribute is displayed in the list with its value.
    5. Click the right arrow to add to the Assigned Custom Attributes section. All the selected attributes appear in the list.
    6. Note: If a custom attribute has been assigned to a resource, then the same custom attribute with a different value cannot be assigned through this action.

Note: If you select Scope as Client, three more options are displayed:

OptionsAvailable forForce Assign/UnassignDescription
Assign JobsClientAvailable
  1. Select Assign Jobs. A list of Available Jobs is displayed.
  2. Select one or more jobs from the list. You can also filter, search and select.
  3. Click the right arrow to add to the Assigned Jobs section. All the selected jobs appear in the list.
Assign CredentialsClientAvailable
  1. Select Assign Credentials. A list of available credentials is displayed.
  2. Select one or more credentials from the list. You can also filter, search and select.
  3. (Optional) Click Create Credential, if you want to create a credential and apply it to the resources. A Create Credential window opens.
  4. Provide a name, description, Type, Connection Time out (ms) and click Save. Based on the resource type selected, the fields appear. Enter the information. The credential is displayed in the list.
  5. Click the right arrow to add to the Assigned Credentials section. All the selected credentials appear in the list.
10. Click Save & Run Now to assign the management policy to the resources.

Note: The policy can be created using either the Filter Criteria or Advanced Search or both.

The following is an example of how the Filter Criteria and Add Using Query features work:

The device management policy is created using two different resource types that are provided as filter criteria, along with a query.

Note: When two different Resource Types are selected using the ALL Rules as the criteria, the rules are applied individually on each Resource Type.
Resources are filtered against each resource type. Resource Groups and Devices are matched separately and the result is a sum of both.

Device Management Policy:

If a new device is created and it matches the advanced search query, it is automatically added to the device management policy without the need of manually saving it again.

A new device “fedora_10.2” is added. As it matches the query, it is automatically added to the policy:

Note: For resource type other than Device, like VMware/Cluster, VMware/Datacenter, VMware/vCenter, it is preferable to use Add Using Query, instead of Filter Criteria.

Example query: $resourceType = "VI_CLUSTER" and $make CONTAINS "vm"

Any resource added later that matches the query will automatically be added to the policy.