HTTP/HTTPS monitor tests the availability of the server to handle requests and calculates the connection time.
Configuration Parameters
After selecting the synthetic monitor type to HTTP/HTTPS, enter the follwoing details:
Section | Field Name | Description | Values/Example | Field Type |
HTTP/HTTPS Configuration | URL | Enter the URL to be monitored. | | Text |
Connection Timeout | Maximum time-out required to connect to the given website. |
| String | |
Response Should Contain | Response body should contain specific content. Check the presence of any text in the response of the URL. |
| Text | |
Response Should Not Contain | Response body should not contain specific content. Check the absence of any text string in the response of the URL. |
| Text | |
Expected Response Code | The response code returned from the end server should be one from the mentioned response codes (which is in csv format). |
| Text | |
Response Payload Regular Expression | Create Regex Patterns to validate the HTTP Response body received from the webserver. |
| Text | |
Method | Type of method to execute while monitoring the website. |
| Dropdown | |
Assign Credentials | Credential Set | Select the credentials from the dropdown list to access the HTTP/HTTPS Server. | Refer Create Credentials | Dropdown |
Proxy Settings | Enable Proxy Configuration option | Refer Monitor Synthetics through Proxy Servers | Checkbox | |
Http Headers | Click + ADD and enter the following:
| Text | ||
Http Params | Click + ADD and enter the following:
| Text | ||
Locations | Public Locations | Select the public locations where the monitor will run. | Example: Public1 | Checkbox |
Private Locations | Select the private locations where the monitor will run. | Example: Private 1 | Checkbox |
After configuring, navigate to Infrastructure > Resources > Web Services > Synthetic to view the metrics and graphical representations for more information.
Metrics Graphical Representation

Supported Metrics
Metric Name | Description | Units |
availability.down.location.count | Location Count. The number of locations where the configured host is down | - |
synthetic.response.time | Response time. Duration to do the configured HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD) to specified URL | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.lookuptime | Name Lookup Time. Duration from the start until the DNS name is resolved. | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.connecttime | Connection Time. Duration from the start until the web server is connected. | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.appconnecttime | AppConnect Time. Duration from start until SSL/SSH handshake is completed | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.starttransfertime | Start TransferTime. Duration from start until just when the first byte is received | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.redirecttime | Redirect Time. Time taken for all redirect steps before the final transfer | milliseconds |
synthetic.response.pretransfertime | Pretransfer Time. Duration from the start until the file requested page transfer is about to start | milliseconds |