
HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage is a family of flash-optimized storage systems that offer automated provisioning. This offers an advanced storage solution that uses a multi-tenant ability that distributes the load dynamically depending on the requirements set by each tenant. In addition, this single tier-1 storage system architecture is designed for in-built data security and availability.

HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage regulates and manages itself. The rate at which the storage resources are consumed is constantly monitored. Compaction technologies such as thin provisioning, thin deduplication, and thin reclamation are incorporated and fully automated in HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems. Thin provisioning allows a volume to be created and made available as a Logical Unit Number (LUN) to a host without the need to dedicate physical storage until it is actually needed.

HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems include hardware components that physically store your data and software applications that manage your data.

The HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage system is composed of the following logical data layers:

  • Physical Disk (PD)
  • Chunklet
  • Logical Disk (LD)
  • Common Provisioning Group (CPG)
  • Virtual Volume (VV)

Supported Target Versions

3PAR 72003.2.2 MU61.5.3
3PAR 80003.3.1 MU51.6.5
3PAR 84003.3.11.6
3PAR 84003.3.1 MU31.6.3
3PAR 84003.3.1 MU51.6.5
3PAR 94503.3.1 MU21.6.2
3PAR 94503.
3PAR 208003.3.1 MU31.6.3


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway(Linux) 14.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp Nextgen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
    Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc..
  • Make sure the WSAPI Server State is ‘Active’ on HPE 3PAR. You may use the following commands to confirm the same:
    • CLI Command to view WSAPI Server Configuration is showwsapi - d
    • CLI Command to start the WSAPI Server is startwsapi
  • Provided IpAddress/hostname, credentials should work for both WS APIs and SSH communication.

Hierarchy of HPE 3PAR resources:

8x00 series

• HPE 3PAR Storage System
        • HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group
                 • HPE 3PAR Storage Volume
                         • HPE 3PAR VLUN
        • HPE 3PAR Physical Disk
        • HPE 3PAR Host
        • HPE 3PAR Cage
                • HPE 3PAR Node
                       • HPE 3PAR Adapter
                              • HPE 3PAR Port
                       • HPE 3PAR Battery

9x00, 20x00 series

• HPE 3PAR Storage System
        • HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Group
                 • HPE 3PAR Storage Volume
                         • HPE 3PAR VLUN
        • HPE 3PAR Physical Disk
        • HPE 3PAR Host
        • HPE 3PAR Cage
        • HPE 3PAR Node
                 • HPE 3PAR Adapter
                         • HPE 3PAR Port
                 • HPE 3PAR Battery

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics-
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameMetric LabelUnitsVersionDescription
HPE 3PAR Storage Systemhpe_3par_APIStatsHPE 3PAR API StatisticsPerformance4.0.0Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources.
hpe_3par_remoteCopy_RoleHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy RoleAvailability9.0.0Volume group role. Possible values are PRIMARY(1),SECONDARY(2).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyTarget_QuorumStatusHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Target Quorum StatusAvailability9.0.0Target Quorum status of remote copy.Possible values are UNINITIALIZED(1),INITIALIZING(2),STANDBY(3),ACTIVE(4),FAILSAFE(5),FAILOVER(6),RESTARTING(7),UNKNOWN(99)
hpe_3par_remoteCopy_StatusHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy StatusAvailability8.0.0Remote Copy system state. Possible values are NORMAL(1),STARTUP(2),SHUTDOWN(3),ENABLE(4),DISABLE(5),INVALID(6),NODEUP(7),UPGRADE(8).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyTarget_StatusHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Target StatusAvailability8.0.0Target status of remote copy.Possible values are DISABLED(1),NEW(2),READY(3),UNSUPPORTED(4),FAILING(5),FAILED(6),UNKNOWN(99).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyTarget_StateHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Target StateAvailability8.0.0Target State - Based on the target status. Possible values are NORMAL(1),DEGRADED(2),FAILED(3),UNKNOWN(99).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyGroup_StateHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Group StateAvailability8.0.0State of the Remote Copy group for this target.Possible values are NEW(1),STARTING(2),STARTED(3),RESTART(4),STOPPED(5),BACKUP(6),FAILSAFE(7),UNKNOWN(8),LOGGING(9).
hpe_3par_remoteVolume_SyncStateHPE 3 PAR Remote Volume Sync StateAvailability8.0.0Synchronization status of the volume.Possible values are NEW(1),SYNCING(2),SYNCED(3),UNSYNC(4),STALE(5),NEWPRESYNCED(6),NEWSYNCEDFROMSNAP(7),STOPPED(8),FAILSAFE(9),UNKNOWN(10),LOGGING(11).
hpe_3par_remoteCopy_TotalKBytesHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Total KBytesPerformance8.0.0Total traffic sent across the link since it first connected.
hpe_3par_remoteCopy_AverageThroughputKByteSecHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Average Throughput KByte SecAvailability8.0.0Average throughput on the link since statrcopy started.
hpe_3par_remoteCopyLink_StatusHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Link StatusAvailability8.0.0Status of the link. Possible values are LINK_NOTSTARTED(1),LINK_STARTING(2),LINK_UP(3),LINK_DOWN(4),LINK_EXITED(5),LINK_DEGRADED(6),LINK_RTT_WARNING(7).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyLink_StateHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Link StatePerformance8.0.0Link State - Based on the link status. Possible values are NORMAL(1),DEGRADED(2),FAILED(3),UNKNOWN(99).
hpe_3par_remoteCopyLink_ThroughputKByteSecHPE 3 PAR Remote Copy Link Throughput KByte SecPerformance8.0.0Link throughput in KBytes/sec.
hpe_3par_remoteVolume_SyncStateHPE 3 PAR Remote Volume Sync StateAvailability8.0.0Target status of remote copy.Possible values are DISABLED(1),NEW(2),READY(3),UNSUPPORTED(4),FAILING(5),FAILED(6),UNKNOWN(99).
hpe_3par_event_StatisticsHPE 3 PAR Event StatisticsPerformance1.0.0Provides HPE 3 PAR Event Statistics.
hpe_3par_system_license_StateHPE 3 PAR System License StateAvailability1.0.0Enabled or disabled state of individual license
Hpe_3par_system_node_online_statusHPE 3 PAR System Node Online StatusAvailability1.0.0Online or Offline status of individual node
hpe_3par_system_capacity_AllocatedMiBHPE 3 PAR System Allocated CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0Total allocated capacity.
hpe_3par_system_capacity_UtilizationHPE 3 PAR System Capacity UtilizationUsage%1.0.0System Capacity Utilization
hpe_3par_system_capacity_FailedMiBHPE 3 PAR System Failed CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0Failed capacity in MiB
hpe_3par_system_capacity_OverProvisionedVirtualSizeMiBHPE 3 PAR System OverProvisionedVirtualSize CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0System contains an over provisioned Virtual Size MiB.
hpe_3par_system_capacity_OverProvisionedUsedMiBHPE 3 PAR System OverProvisionedUsed CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0System contains an over provisioned used MiB.
hpe_3par_system_capacity_OverProvisionedAllocatedMiBHPE 3 PAR System OverProvisionedAllocated CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0System contains an over provisioned allocated MiB
hpe_3par_system_capacity_OverProvisionedFreeMiBHPE 3 PAR System OverProvisionedFree CapacityUsageMiB1.0.0System contains an over provisioned free MiB.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_HitIOHPE 3 PAR HitIO CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of Read/Write I/Os per second where data is in cache
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_MissIOHPE 3 PAR MissIO CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of Read/Write I/Os per second where data is not in cache.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_AccessIOHPE 3 PAR AccessIO CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of read/write I/Os per second.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_HitPctHPE 3 PAR HitPct CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformance%1.0.0Hits divided by accesses and displayed in percentage
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_TotalAccessIOHPE 3 PAR TotalAccessIO CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of total read and write I/Os per second.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_LockBulkIOHPE 3 PAR LockBulkIO CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of pages modified per second by host I/O and written to disk by the flusher.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_PageStatesHPE 3 PAR PageStates CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancecount1.0.0Information on page states.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_DirtyPagesHPE 3 PAR DirtyPages CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancecount1.0.0Current number of dirty cluster memory pages per device type class in the system.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_MaxDirtyPagesHPE 3 PAR MaxDirtyPages CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancecount1.0.0Maximum allowed number of dirty cluster memory pages per device type class in the system.
hpe_3par_cacheMemoryStatistics_DelayAckPagesHPE 3 PAR DelayAckPages CacheMemoryStatisticsPerformancecount1.0.0Number of delayed acknowledgments (per device type class) to the host in order to throttle the host IO writes due to cache resource constraints.
hpe_3par_cpuStatistics_UserPctHPE 3 PAR UserPct CpuStatisticsUsage%1.0.0Percent of CPU time in user-mode.
hpe_3par_cpuStatistics_SystemPctHPE 3 PAR SystemPct CpuStatisticsUsage%1.0.0Percent of CPU time in system-mode.
hpe_3par_cpuStatistics_IdlePctHPE 3 PAR IdlePct CpuStatisticsUsage%1.0.0Percent of CPU time in idle.
hpe_3par_cpuStatistics_InterruptsPerSecHPE 3 PAR InterruptsPerSec CpuStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of interrupts per second
hpe_3par_cpuStatistics_ContextSwitchesPerSecHPE 3 PAR ContextSwitchesPerSec CpuStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of context switches per second.
hpe_3par_diskDrive_StateHPE 3 PAR DiskDrive StateAvailability3.0.0State of the PD, can be one of the following. normal : 0,new : 1,degraded : 2,failed : 3
HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning Grouphpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_TotalUsedSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Total Used SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0Total Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_UserUsedSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData User Used SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0User Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_SnapUsedSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Snap Used SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0Snap Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_AdminUsedSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Admin Used SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0Admin Used CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_TotalUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Total Used Space UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Total Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_UserUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData User UsedSpace UtilizationUsage%1.0.0User Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_SnapUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Snap Used Space UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Snap Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_AdminUsedSpaceUtilizationHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Admin Used Space UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Admin Used CPG space Percentage
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_base_PrivateSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Base Private SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0Base Private CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_snapshot_PrivateSpaceMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Snapshot Private SpaceUsageMiB1.0.0Snapshot Private CPG space in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_GrowthMiBHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData GrowthUsageMiB1.0.0CPG space increases in MiB
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_DeduplicationGcKBPSHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData Deduplication GcPerformanceKBps1.0.0Deduplication Garbage Collector in KBPS.
hpe_3par_cpgSpaceData_CapacityEfficiencyHPE 3 PAR CpgSpaceData CapacityEfficiencyPerformance1.0.0Capacity efficiency attributes.
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_IOHPE 3 PAR IO CpgStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of IO per second, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_KbytesHPE 3 PAR Kbytes CpgStatisticsPerformanceKBps1.0.0Number of kilobytes per second, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE 3 PAR ServiceTimeMS CpgStatisticsPerformancems1.0.0Service time in ms, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE 3 PAR IOSizeKB CpgStatisticsPerformanceKB1.0.0Object IO size in kilobytes, which includes read, write, and total.
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_QueueLengthHPE 3 PAR QueueLength CpgStatisticsPerformance1.0.0Queue length
hpe_3par_cpgStatistics_BusyPctHPE 3 PAR BusyPct CpgStatisticsPerformance%1.0.0Queue length
hpe_3par_cpg_StateHPE 3 PAR CPG StateAvailability1.0.0Overall state of the CPG.
HPE 3PAR Storage Volumehpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_UserMiBHPE 3 PAR User RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0The state of the failover operation, shown for the two ports indicated in the N:S:P and Partner columns.
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_VirtualSizeMiBHPE 3 PAR VolumeSpaceData TotalSpace Virtual SizeUsageMiB9.0.0Virtual size in MiB
hpe_3par_volume_ReadIopsHPE 3 PAR Volume Read IOPSPerformanceIOPS8.0.0Read IOPS for volume
hpe_3par_volume_WriteIopsHPE 3 PAR Volume Write IOPSPerformanceIOPS8.0.0Write IOPS for volume
hpe_3par_volume_SnapsCounthpe 3par volume SnapsCountAvailabilityCount10.0.0Number of snapshots taken per volume.
hpe_3par_volume_lastSnapshot_ElapsedTimeHPE 3par Volume LastSnapshot ElapsedTimeAvailabilityh10.0.0Number of hours since last snapshot taken for volume.
hpe_3par_volume_TotalIopsHPE 3 PAR Volume Total IOPSPerformanceIOPS1.0.0Total IOPS for volume
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_SnapMiBHPE 3 PAR Snap RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Raw reserved snap space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_AdminMiBHPE 3 PAR Admin RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Raw reserved admin space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_rawReserved_TotalMiBHPE 3 PAR Total RawReserved VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Raw reserved total space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_userSpace_UsedMiBHPE 3 PAR Used UserSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Used user space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_userSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE 3 PAR Used UserSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceDataUsage%1.0.0Used user space utilization
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_UsedMiBHPE 3 PAR Used SnapSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Used snapshot space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE 3 PAR Used SnapSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceDataUsage%1.0.0Used snapshot space utilization
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_snapSpace_VcopyMiBHPE 3 PAR Vcopy SnapSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Snapshot virtual copy space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_UsedMiBHPE 3 PAR Used AdminSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Used admin space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE 3 PAR Used AdminSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceDataUsage%1.0.0Used admin space utilization
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_adminSpace_VcopyMiBHPE 3 PAR Vcopy AdminSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Admin virtual copy space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_UsedMiBHPE 3 PAR Used TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Total used space in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_UsedUtilizationHPE 3 PAR Used TotalSpace Utilization VolumeSpaceDataUsage%1.0.0Total used space utilization
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_VcopyMiBHPE 3 PAR Vcopy TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Total virtual copy size in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_totalSpace_HostWriteMiBHPE 3 PAR HostWrite TotalSpace VolumeSpaceDataUsageMiB1.0.0Space write to the host in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_CapacityEfficiencyHPE 3 PAR VolumeSpaceData CapacityEfficiencyPerformance1.0.0Space write to the host in MiB
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_CompressionGcKBPSHPE 3 PAR VolumeSpaceData CompressionGcKBPSPerformanceKBps1.0.0Compression garbage collector in KBPS.
hpe_3par_volumeSpaceData_CompressionStateHPE 3 PAR VolumeSpaceData CompressionStateAvailability1.0.0Volume detailed compression state.
hpe_3par_volume_StateHPE 3 PAR Volume StateAvailability1.0.0State of the volume.
hpe_3par_volume_DeduplicationStateHPE 3 PAR Volume DeduplicationStateAvailability1.0.0Volume detailed deduplication state.
HPE 3PAR VLUNhpe_3par_vlunstatistics_IOHPE 3 PAR IO VlunStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of IO per second.
hpe_3par_vlunstatistics_KBytesHPE 3 PAR KBytes VlunStatisticsPerformanceKBps1.0.0Number of kilobytes per second.
hpe_3par_vlunstatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE 3 PAR ServiceTimeMS VlunStatisticsPerformancems1.0.0Service time in millisecond statistic data.
hpe_3par_vlunstatistics_IOSizeKBHPE 3 PAR IOSizeKB VlunStatisticsPerformanceKB1.0.0IO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_3par_vlunstatistics_QueueLengthHPE 3 PAR QueueLength VlunStatisticsPerformance1.0.0Queue length
hpe_3par_vlunstatistics_BusyPctHPE 3 PAR BusyPct VlunStatisticsPerformance%1.0.0Busy percentage
HPE 3PAR Physical Diskhpe_3par_physicalDiskCapacity_AllocatedMiBHPE 3 PAR Allocated PhysicalDiskCapacityUsageMiB1.0.0Allocated physical disk capacity in the system
hpe_3par_physicalDiskCapacity_AllocatedUtilizationHPE 3 PAR Allocated PhysicalDiskCapacity UtilizationUsage%1.0.0Allocated physical disk capacity utilization in the system
hpe_3par_physicalDiskCapacity_FailedMiBHPE 3 PAR Failed PhysicalDiskCapacityUsageMiB1.0.0Failed physical disk capacity in the system.
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_IOHPE 3 PAR IO PhysicalDiskStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of IO per second.
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_KBytesHPE 3 PAR KBytes PhysicalDiskStatisticsPerformanceKBps1.0.0Number of kilobytes per second
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE 3 PAR ServiceTimeMS PhysicalDiskStatisticsPerformancems1.0.0Number of kilobytes per second
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE 3 PAR IOSizeKB PhysicalDiskStatisticsUsageKB1.0.0IO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_QueueLengthHPE 3 PAR QueueLength PhysicalDiskStatisticsPerformance1.0.0IO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_3par_physicalDiskStatistics_BusyPctHPE 3 PAR BusyPct PhysicalDiskStatisticsPerformance%1.0.0Busy percentage
hpe_3par_physicalDiskSpacedata_NormalChunkletsHPE 3 PAR PhysicalDiskSpacedata NormalChunkletsUsagecount1.0.0Normal chunklets data
hpe_3par_physicalDiskSpacedata_SpareChunkletsHPE 3 PAR PhysicalDiskSpacedata SpareChunkletsUsagecount1.0.0Spare chunklets data
hpe_3par_physicalDiskSpacedata_LifeLeftPctHPE 3 PAR PhysicalDiskSpacedata LifeLeftPctPerformance%1.0.0Percentage of life left.
hpe_3par_physicalDiskSpacedata_TemperatureCHPE 3 PAR PhysicalDiskSpacedata TemperatureCThermalCelsius1.0.0Temperature in Celsius.
HPE 3PAR Porthpe_3par_portStatistics_SpeedHPE 3 PAR Speed PortStatisticsPerformance1.0.0Port speed.
hpe_3par_portStatistics_IOHPE 3 PAR IO PortStatisticsPerformancepsec1.0.0Number of IO per second.
hpe_3par_portStatistics_KBytesHPE 3 PAR KBytes PortStatisticsPerformanceKBps1.0.0sNumber of kilobytes per second
hpe_3par_portStatistics_ServiceTimeMSHPE 3 PAR ServiceTimeMS PortStatisticsPerformancems1.0.0Service time in millisecond statistic data.
hpe_3par_portStatistics_IOSizeKBHPE 3 PAR IOSizeKB PortStatisticsPerformanceKB1.0.0IO size in kilobytes statistic data.
hpe_3par_portStatistics_QueueLengthHPE 3 PAR QueueLength PortStatisticsPerformance1.0.0Queue length
hpe_3par_portStatistics_BusyPctHPE 3 PAR BusyPct PortStatisticsPerformance%1.0.0Busy percentage
hpe_3par_port_FailoverStateHPE 3 PAR Port FailoverStateAvailability1.0.0The state of the failover operation, shown for the two ports indicated in the N:S:P and Partner columns.
hpe_3par_port_StateHPE 3 PAR Port StateAvailability1.0.0State of the port. Possible values are. ready : 0,config_wait : 1,alpa_wait : 2,login_wait : 3,loss_sync : 4,non_participate : 5,taking_coredump : 6 ,link_idle_for_reset : 7 ,dhcp_in_progress : 8,pending_reset : 9,error : 10,xxx : 11,fw_dead : 12,unknown : 13,offline : 14
HPE 3PAR Cagehpe_3par_cage_DetailedStateHPE 3 PAR Cage Detailed StateAvailability3.0.0Cage detailed state. Possible value. Normal : 0 , failed: 1, degraded: 2
hpe_3par_cagePowerSupply_StateHPE 3 PAR CagePowerSupply StateAvailability3.0.0Cage Powersupply state. Possible values are. OK : 0 , -- : 1 , Failed : 2 , Not_Present : 3 , Degraded : 4, Critical : 5
hpe_3par_cagePowerSupply_FanStateHPE 3 PAR CagePowerSupply FanStateAvailability3.0.0Cage Powersupply Fan state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_3par_cageInterfaceCard_StateHPE 3 PAR CageInterfaceCard StateAvailability3.0.0Cage interface card state. Possible values are. OK,OK : 0 , error: 1
hpe_3par_cagePowerSupply_ACStateHPE 3 PAR CagePowerSupply ACStateAvailability3.0.0Cage AC Powersupply state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_3par_cagePowerSupply_DCStateHPE 3 PAR CagePowerSupply DCStateAvailability3.0.0Cage DC Powersupply state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
HPE 3PAR Nodehpe_3par_node_StateHPE 3 PAR Node StateAvailability3.0.0state of the node. Possible values are: Ok : 0 , Degraded : 1, Failed : 2
hpe_3par_node_DetailedStateHPE 3 PAR Node DetailedStateAvailability3.0.0Detailed state of node. OK:0 , tod_bat_fail:1 , invalid_bat_config:2 , link_error:3,uncorrectable_mem_error:4 , multi_uncorrectable_mem_error:5 , correctable_mem_error:6 , internal_system_error:7, hardware_watchdog_error:8 , pci_error:9 , driver_software_error:10 , cpu_overheating:11 , cpu_vrm_overheating:12 , control_cache_dimm_overheating:13 , node_offline_due_to_failure:14 , node_shutdown:15 , unknown:16
hpe_3par_nodePowerSupply_StateHPE 3 PAR NodePowerSupply StateAvailability3.0.0Node Power supply state. Possible values are. OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2,NotPresent : 3 , Degraded :4
hpe_3par_nodePowerSupply_ACStateHPE 3 PAR NodePowerSupply ACStateAvailability3.0.0Node AC Power supply state. Possible values are.OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
hpe_3par_nodePowerSupply_DCStateHPE 3 PAR NodePowerSupply DCStateAvailability3.0.0Node DC Power supply state. Possible values are.OK : 0,-- : 1,Failed : 2
HPE 3PAR Batteryhpe_3par_battery_StateHPE 3 PAR Battery StateAvailability3.0.0Battery state. Possible values are. OK : 0,Failed : 1,Degraded : 2,NotPresent : 3
hpe_3par_battery_DetailedStateHPE 3 PAR Battery DetailedStateAvailability3.0.0Detailed state of the battery. Possible values are. normal : 0,InvalidFirmware : 1 ,Unknown : 2 ,Undefined : 3,NotPresent : 4,Expired : 5,Failed : 6

Default Monitoring Configurations

HPE 3PAR has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business use cases by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. We recommend doing this activity before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: hpe-3par HPE-3PAR Storage System - 1 (i.e, appName = hpe-3par, nativeType = HPE-3PAR Storage System, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: hpe-3par HPE-3PAR Storage System Template - 1 (i.e, appName = hpe-3par, nativeType = HPE-3PAR Storage System, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: HPE-3PAR Storage System Monitor hpe-3par HPE-3PAR Storage System 1(i.e, monitorKey = HPE-3PAR Storage System Monitor, appName = hpe-3par, nativeType = HPE-3PAR Storage System, version = 1)

Configure and Install the HPE 3PAR Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed integrations are displayed. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page.
  5. If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations page. The Available Integrations page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD on the HPE 3PAR tile.
  7. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  8. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host NameIP address/host name of the target.

Example: You can enter 8083 as a WSAPI port value.
SSH PortSSH Port details

Example: You can enter 22 as a SSH Port value.
CredentialsSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.
Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • Select the following:
    • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
    • Event/Alert Polling: enables integrating third party alerts into OpsRamp using further configurations.
    • API Timeouts: These are the maximum API Timeouts that the application can use to connect and get responses from the end device.
      • Connection Timeout in Secs: a time period in which a client should establish a connection with a server.
        Note: By default, 60 is selected.
      • Connection Request Timeout in Secs: a time period required to process an HTTP call: from sending a request to receiving a response.
        Note: By default, 10 is selected.
      • Socket Timeout in Secs: a maximum time of inactivity between two data packets when exchanging data with a server.
        Note: By default, 10 is selected.
  • Below are the default values set for:
    • Event/Alert Severity Filter: provides severity alerts and gets integrated out of all possible alerts.
      • Default Values: FATAL,CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR.
    • Event Category: only provides category alerts that are generated out of possible values.
      • Category 1 is used to identify a lifecycle.
      • Category 2 is used to identify an alert.
      • Possible values of Event Category configuration property are 1,2.
    • Event/Alert Severity Mapping: enables you to map the severities between HPE 3PAR and OpsRamp as severities are predefined values in each system.
      • Default mappings: “FATAL”:“Critical”,“CRITICAL”:“Critical”,“MAJOR”:“Warning”,“MINOR”:“Warning”,
        Note: You can change it as per your business use cases at any point in time from the Configuration page.
  1. Select the below mentioned CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE:
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:

    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.


Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.

  1. Select an existing registered profile.
  1. Click FINISH.

The application is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the HPE 3PAR Details

To discover resources for HPE 3PAR

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > Storage > HPE 3PAR.
  2. The HPE 3PAR page is displayed, select the application name.
  3. The RESOURCE page appears from the right.
  4. Click the ellipsis () on the top right and select View Details.
  5. Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.
  • Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for HPE 3PAR.

Resource Filter Input Keys

HPE 3PAR application resources are filtered and discovered based on below keys:

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeResource Type
All TypesresourceName
HPE 3PAR Storage Systemcontact
HPE 3PAR Physical Disktype
HPE 3PAR Common Provisioning GroupadditionalStates
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
HPE 3PAR Storage Volume
Parent Resource Name
Parent Resource NativeType
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
Parent Resource Name
Parent Resource NativeType
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
HPE 3PAR Cagewwn
HPE 3PAR NodeBay
Parent Resource Name (only supports 8x00 series version)
Parent Resource NativeType (only supports 8x00 series version)
Parent Resource SerialNumber (only supports 8x00 series version)
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
HPE 3PAR PortRev
Connection Type
Parent Resource Name
Parent Resource NativeType
Parent Resource SerialNumber
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
HPE 3PAR BatteryAssembly Part
Expiration Date
Parent Resource Name
Parent Resource NativeType
Parent Resource SerialNumber
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber
HPE 3PAR HostpersonaInfo_links
HPE 3PAR AdapterpersonaInfo_links
Parent Resource Name
Parent Resource NativeType
Parent Resource SerialNumber
Root Resource IPAddress
Root Resource Name
Root Resource NativeType
Root Resource ResourceType
Root Resource SerialNumber

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation.
Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros













                                ${Custome Attributes in the resource}


Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration:
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application uses the provided IpAddress/hostname, credentials for both WSAPIs and SSH communications.
  • Latest snapshot metric is available from Gateway version 14.0.0.
  • Application will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.
  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts.
  • Metrics can be used to monitor HPE 3PAR resources and generate alerts based on the threshold values.
  • OpsRamp referred to HPE Support developer guide to implement discovery, monitoring and alerts polling of HPE 3PAR. Given that support to show disk information was added in WSAPI 1.6.15 release, OpsRamp uses Physical disk statistical data reports API when the WSAPI version is less than 1.6.15. For version greater than or equals to 1.6.15, OpsRamp uses Querying physical disk information API to get data.
    Note: Currently, there is no reference of Fan Speed, Temperature, Power related metrics within the developer guide.
  • As few of the HPE 3PAR components didn’t have direct name information in WSAPI responses, OpsRamp proceeded with below assumptions :
    • For Physical Disk Discovery, OpsRamp considered Physical disk ID (if WSAPI version is less than 1.6.15) OR WWN (if WSAPI version is greater than or equals to 1.6.15) as Resource Name in OpsRamp.
    • For Ports Discovery, OpsRamp considered portWWN (Port WWN presents for FCoE and FC ports only) OR port portPos (when portWWN was not present in response) as Resource Name in OpsRamp.
    • For VLUN Discovery, OpsRamp considered lun value as Resource Name in OpsRamp.
  • HPE 3PAR’s Event/Alert Polling starts only if the user enables Event/Alert Polling in configuration.
  • Possible values of Event/Alert Severity Filter configuration property are FATAL, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, DEGRADED, INFORMATIONAL, DEBUG, UNKNOWN.
  • Possible values of Event Category configuration property are 1,2. Category 1 is used to identify a lifecycle event and 2 is used to identify an alert.
  • OpsRamp has given sample mappings to map HPE 3PAR Severity with OpsRamp Severities as part of the Event/Alert Severity Mapping configuration file. Users can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from the application configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.
  • In referred HPE 3PAR developer guides, there is no information about how logged system events are getting resolved, hence OpsRamp has not included polled events/alerts recovery mechanism.
  • Support for Macro replacement for threshold breach alerts (i.e, customisation for threshold breach alert’s subject, description).
  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.
  • Application is not compatible with Cluster Gateway.
  • This application supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway
  • For HPE 3PAR Adapter and HPE 3PAR Host, there will be no global Device Management Policies (DMPs) or templates provided, as monitoring is not supported for these components.

Version History

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
  • Support for new metrics hpe_3par_volume_SnapsCount and hpe_3par_volume_lastSnapshot_ElapsedTime is added.
  • Discovery of only Base volumes i.e restricting the discovering of snapshots which are copies of base volumes.
  • Added support for mapping the Instant Parent Name, Serial Number, IP Address, Host Name, and Native Type to child resources
  • Added new metrics under Storage System.
  • Fixed existing issue for hpe_3par_volumeSpaceDatass_totalSpace_UsedUtilization metrics.
  • Enhancements related to the latest snapshot, Activity Log
8.0.0Remote copy and Volume IOPS metrics are implemented. Port connection state is provided under custom attributes.
7.0.0Metric data point conversion changes.
6.0.1Fix to remove session key.
6.0.0Fix for hpe_3par_node_DetailedState metric.
5.0.0Added support for Cage, Node, Adapter, Battery resources.
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
  • Metric label changes.
  • DisplayOrder changes for native types
  • Cache flush changes.
  • Added hpe_3par_APIStats metric.
  • Full discovery support.
3.0.1Activity logger and backend cache related changes.
3.0.0Added support for Hardware metrics
2.0.0Code fixes and metric threshold changes.
1.0.0Discovery, Monitoring, Alerts.


Before troubleshooting, ensure all prerequisites prerequisites are met.

If HPE 3PAR integrations fail to discover or monitor, troubleshoot using the following steps:

  • Check if there are any alerts generated on the HPE 3PAR Storage System or gateway, or if there are any error logs in vprobe.
  • To rule out API/SSH specific failures like end device connectivity or authentication, try to check the reachability of end device from gateway using the below commands:
    • Try to ping the IP address provided in the configuration from the gateway ping <IP Address>
    • Try telnet using telnet <IP Address><port>
    • Try SSH to the end device from the gateway ssh <username>@<IP Address>
    • If you still need assistance, reach out to the support team to check the API accessibility using the API commands used internally on the app side.
  • If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.
