
Dell PowerScale is a scale out network-attached storage platform offered by Dell EMC for high-volume storage, backup and archiving of unstructured data.

It provides a cluster-based storage array based on industry-standard hardware and is scalable to 50 petabytes in a single filesystem using its FreeBSD-derived OneFS file system. A PowerScale clustered storage system is composed of three or more nodes. Each node is a server integrated with proprietary operating system software called OneFS (based on FreeBSD), which unifies a cluster of nodes into a single shared resource.

Available resources under PowerScale are as follows:

  • Cluster: OneFS works exclusively with dedicated platform nodes, referred to as a “cluster”
  • Node: A single cluster consists of multiple nodes, which are rack-mountable enterprise appliances containing: memory, CPU, networking, Ethernet or low-latency InfiniBandinterconnects, disk controllers and storage media. As such, each node in the distributed cluster has compute as well as storage or capacity capabilities.

Supported Target Versions

PowerScale OneFS API Version, and


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway(Linux) 14.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp Nextgen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
    Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc..
  • Ensure that “adapter integrations” add-on is enabled in client configuration. Once enabled you can see Dell PowerScale integration under Setup > Integrations > Adapter section

Roles and Permissions

Admin with read-only permission are the required roles and permissions for the Dell PowerScale Account to perform Discovery, Monitoring and Alert polling without any issues.

Hierarchy of Dell PowerScale resources

  • PowerScale Cluster
    • PowerScale Node
      • PowerScale Network Interface
      • PowerScale Drive
    • PowerScale Job
    • PowerScale Network Pool
    • PowerScale Quota
    • PowerScale SyncIQ Policy
    • PowerScale SnapShot
    • PowerScale Nfs Export
    • PowerScale Smb Share

Application Migration

  1. Check for the gateway version as a prerequisite step - classic gateway-12.0.1 and above.

    • You only have to follow these steps when you want to migrate from sdk 1.0 to sdk 2.0.
    • For first time installation below steps are not required.
      • Application name should be the same.
      • Disable all installed integrations configurations for that application. This is to make sure no discovery and monitoring requests are processed.
      • Install and Add the configuration to that sdk 2.0 application.
      • During the migration from SDK 1.0 to SDK 2.0, ensure that you uncheck the Bypass Resource Reconciliation checkbox.
        Note: refer to Configure and Install the Dell Powerscale Integration & View the Dell PowerScale details sections of this document.
  2. Once all discoveries are completed with the sdk 2.0 application, follow any one of the approaches.

    • Direct uninstallation of the sdk 1.0 adaptor application through the uninstall API with skipDeleteResources=true in the post request

      End-Point: https://{{host}}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/{installedIntgId}

      Request Body:
          "uninstallReason": "Test",
          "skipDeleteResources": true


    • Delete the configuration one by one through the Delete adaptor config API with the request parameter as skipDeleteResources=true

      End-Point: https://{{host}}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/config/{configId}?skipDeleteResources=true.

    • Finally, uninstall the adaptor application through API with skipDeleteResources=true in the post request.

      End-Point: https://{{host}}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/{installedIntgId}

      Request Body:
          "uninstallReason": "Test",
          "skipDeleteResources": true

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameMetric LabelUnitsVersionDescription
PowerScale Clusterpowerscale_cluster_FreeCapacityPowerScale Cluster Free CapacityusageGB3.0.0The number of free bytes in the Isilon filesystem.
powerscale_cluster_UsedCapacityPowerScale Cluster Used CapacityusageGB3.0.0The number of used bytes in the Isilon filesystem.
powerscale_cluster_TotalCapacityPowerScale Cluster Total CapacityusageGB3.0.0The total number of bytes in the Isilon filesystem.
powerscale_cluster_CapacityUtilizationPowerScale Cluster Capacity UtilizationUsage%3.0.0The percentage of the Isilon filesystem used for storage.
powerscale_cluster_avg_IOReadPowerScale Cluster Average IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The average cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_min_IOReadPowerScale Cluster Minimum IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The minimum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_max_IOReadPowerScale Cluster Maximum IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The maximum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_avg_IOWritePowerScale Cluster Average IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The average cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_min_IOWritePowerScale Cluster Minimum IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The minimum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_max_IOWritePowerScale Cluster Maximum IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The maximum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_avg_ThroughputReadPowerScale Cluster Average Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The average cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_min_ThroughputReadPowerScale Cluster Minimum Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The minimum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_max_ThroughputReadPowerScale Cluster Maximum Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The maximum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_avg_ThroughputWritePowerScale Cluster Average Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The average cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_min_ThroughputWritePowerScale Cluster Minimum Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The minimum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_max_ThroughputWritePowerScale Cluster Maximum Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The maximum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs.
powerscale_cluster_User_CPUUtilizationPowerScale Cluster CPU UserUsage%3.0.0CPU User
powerscale_cluster_CPUNicePowerScale Cluster CPU Niceusage%3.0.0CPU Nice
powerscale_cluster_system_CPUUtilizationPowerScale Cluster CPU Systemusage%3.0.0CPU System
powerscale_cluster_Interrupt_CPUUtilizationPowerScale Cluster CPU Interruptusage%3.0.0CPU interrupt
powerscale_cluster_CPUIdlePowerScale Cluster CPU Idleusage%3.0.0CPU idle in percentage
powerscale_cluster_DeployedUsablePowerScale Cluster Deployed UsableusageTB3.0.0Deployed Usable - Capacity converted to Base 2 Tebibytes (TiB) post OS partitioning and drive formatting. Total capacity of /ifs
powerscale_cluster_DeployedUsableConsumedPowerScale Cluster Deployed Usable ConsumedusageTB3.0.0Deployed Usable Consumed - The amount of data written to the OneFS filesystem in Base 2 Tebibytes (TiB) including overhead. Total used capacity of /ifs
powerscale_cluster_DeployedUsableFreePowerScale Cluster Deployed Usable FreeusageTB3.0.0Deployed Usable Free - The calculated result of Deployed Usable - Deployed Usable Consumed. The free capacity of /ifs
powerscale_cluster_RawCapacityPowerScale Cluster Raw CapacityusageTB3.0.0Raw Capacity - Disk Size * Disk Count in Base 10 Terabytes (TB).
powerscale_event_StatisticsPowerScale Event Statistics3.0.0Provides Dell PowerScale Event Statistics.
powerscale_APIStatsPowerScale API StatisticsUsageTB3.0.0Provides the number of PowerScale API calls made within the frequency and resources.
powerscale_storagepools_AvailBytesPowerScale StoragePools Avail BytesusageGB3.0.0Available Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_AvailHddBytesPowerScale StoragePools Avail Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Available HDD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_AvailSsdBytesPowerScale StoragePools Avail Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Available SSD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_FreeBytesPowerScale StoragePools Free BytesusageGB3.0.0Free Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_FreeHddBytesPowerScale StoragePools Free Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Free HDD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_FreeSsdBytesPowerScale StoragePools Free Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Free SSD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_PacketUsedPowerScale StoragePools Packet UsedUsage%3.0.0Packet Used
powerscale_storagepools_PacketUsedHddPowerScale StoragePools Packet Used HddUsage%3.0.0Packet Used HDD
powerscale_storagepools_PacketUsedSsdPowerScale StoragePools Packet Used SsdUsage%3.0.0Packet Used SSD
powerscale_storagepools_TotalBytesPowerScale StoragePools Total BytesusageGB3.0.0Total Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_TotalHddBytesPowerScale StoragePools Total Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Total HDD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_TotalSsdBytesPowerScale StoragePools Total Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Total SSD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_UsableBytesPowerScale StoragePools Usable BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_UsableHddBytesPowerScale StoragePools Usable Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable HDD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_UsableSsdBytesPowerScale StoragePools Usable Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable SSD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_UsedHddBytesPowerScale StoragePools Used Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Used HDD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_UsedSsdBytesPowerScale StoragePools Used Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Used SSD Bytes
powerscale_storagepools_VirtualHotSpareBytesPowerScale StoragePools Virtual Hot Spare BytesusageGB3.0.0Virtual Hot Spare Bytes
powerscale_syncIQ_TotalPoliciesPowerScale SyncIQ Total Policiesusagecount3.0.0Total Policies
powerscale_snapshot_CountPowerScale Snapshot Countusagecount3.0.0Snapshot count
powerscale_quota_NfsHardPowerScale Quota Nfs HardusageGB3.0.0Nfs hard
powerscale_nodepools_AvailBytesPowerScale Nodepools Avail BytesusageGB3.0.0Available Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_AvailHddBytesPowerScale Nodepools Avail Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Available HDD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_AvailSsdBytesPowerScale Nodepools Avail Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Available SSD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_FreeBytesPowerScale Nodepools Free BytesusageGB3.0.0Free Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_FreeHddBytesPowerScale Nodepools Free Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Free HDD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_FreeSsdBytesPowerScale Nodepools Free Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Free SSD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_PacketUsedPowerScale Nodepools Packet UsedUsage%3.0.0Packet Used
powerscale_nodepools_PacketUsedHddPowerScale Nodepools Packet Used Hddusage%3.0.0Packet Used HDD
powerscale_nodepools_PacketUsedSsdPowerScale Nodepools Packet Used Ssdusage%3.0.0Packet Used SSD
powerscale_nodepools_TotalBytesPowerScale Nodepools Total BytesusageGB3.0.0Total Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_TotalHddBytesPowerScale Nodepools Total Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Total HDD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_TotalSsdBytesPowerScale Nodepools Total Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Total SSD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_UsableBytesPowerScale Nodepools Usable BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_UsableHddBytesPowerScale Nodepools Usable Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable HDD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_UsableSsdBytesPowerScale Nodepools Usable Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Usable SSD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_UsedHddBytesPowerScale Nodepools Used Hdd BytesusageGB3.0.0Used HDD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_UsedSsdBytesPowerScale Nodepools Used Ssd BytesusageGB3.0.0Used SSD Bytes
powerscale_nodepools_VirtualHotSpareBytesPowerScale Nodepools Virtual Hot Spare BytesusageGB3.0.0Virtual Hot Spare Bytes
powerscale_bootDrive_LifeRemainingPowerScale Boot Drive Life RemainingAvailability%3.0.0The percentage of Boot Drive Life Remaining
powerscale_cluster_nodes_CountPowerScale Cluster Nodes CountAvailabilitycount3.0.0Count of the Cluster devices
powerscale_cluster_upNodes_CountPowerScale Cluster Up Nodes CountAvailabilitycount3.0.0Count of the Cluster online devices
powerscale_cluster_downNodes_CountPowerScale Cluster Down Nodes CountAvailabilitycount3.0.0Count of the Cluster down devices
powerscale_cluster_roNodes_CountPowerScale Cluster Read Only Nodes CountAvailabilitycount3.0.0Count of the Cluster read only nodes
powerscale_cluster_nodes_BatteriesStatePowerScale Cluster Nodes BatteriesStateAvailabilityNone3.0.0Cluster nodes NVRAM battery status information. Possible values : OK - 0, ATTN - 1
powerscale_cluster_nodes_PSStatePowerScale Cluster Nodes PSStateAvailabilityNone3.0.0Cluster node's power supplies state. Possible values : OK - 0, ATTN - 1
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_RawTotalInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools Raw Total In TiBUsageTiB3.0.0Cluster NodePools Raw Total In TiB
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_FreeInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools Free In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Cluster NodePools Free In TiB
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_VHSInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools VHS In TiBusageTiB3.0.0TiB Reserved for virtual hot spare in the cluster node pools.
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_VHSInPctPowerScale Cluster NodePools VHS In Pctusage%3.0.0PowerScale Cluster NodePools VHS In Percentage.
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_UsableInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools Usable In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Total TiB in the Cluster NodePools drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_UsedInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools Used In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Used TiB in the Cluster NodePools
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_AvailInTiBPowerScale Cluster NodePools Avail In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Available free TiB remaining in the Cluster NodePools when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
powerscale_cluster_nodePools_UsedInPctPowerScale Cluster NodePools Used In Pctusage%3.0.0PowerScale Cluster NodePools Used In Percentage.
powerscale_cluster_SnapshotsTotalInTiBPowerScale Cluster Snapshots Total In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Sum of sizes in TiB of all snapshots.
powerscale_cluster_SnapshotsActiveInTiBPowerScale Cluster Snapshots Active In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Sum of sizes of active snapshots.
powerscale_cluster_SnapshotsDeletingInTiBPowerScale Cluster Snapshots Deleting In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Sum of sizes of delete-pending snapshots.
powerscale_cluster_Snapshot_UsageInTiBPowerScale Cluster Snapshots Usage In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Sum of sizes of snapshots which has same path.
PowerScale Nodepowerscale_node_TotalCapacityPowerScale Node Total CapacityusageGB3.0.0The number of total bytes on /ifs on the node.
powerscale_node_FreeCapacityPowerScale Node Free CapacityusageGB3.0.0The number of free bytes on /ifs on the node.
powerscale_node_UsedCapacityPowerScale Node Used CapacityusageGB3.0.0The number of used bytes on /ifs on the node.
powerscale_node_CapacityUtilizationPowerscale Node Capacity UtilizationUsage%3.0.0Capacity utilized by powerscale node
powerscale_node_avg_IOReadPowerScale Node Average IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The average cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_min_IOReadPowerScale Node Minimum IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The minimum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_max_IOReadPowerScale Node Maximum IO ReadPerformancerops3.0.0The maximum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_avg_IOWritePowerScale Node Average IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The average cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_min_IOWritePowerScale Node Minimum IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The minimum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_max_IOWritePowerScale Node Maximum IO WritePerformancerops3.0.0The maximum cumulative operation rate (ops/sec) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_avg_ThroughputReadPowerScale Node Average Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The average cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_min_ThroughputReadPowerScale Node Minimum Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The minimum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_max_ThroughputReadPowerScale Node Maximum Throughput ReadPerformanceBps3.0.0The maximum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) out of /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_avg_ThroughputWritePowerScale Node Average Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The average cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_min_ThroughputWritePowerScale Node Minimum Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The minimum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_max_ThroughputWritePowerScale Node Maximum Throughput WritePerformanceBps3.0.0The maximum cumulative throughput rate (bytes per second) into /ifs on node.
powerscale_node_TemperaturePowerScale Node TemperatureThermalCelsius3.0.0The temperature reported by the indicated temperature sensor in degrees C
powerscale_node_AmpsPowerScale Node AmpsUsageamps3.0.0The currency reported by the indicated amp sensor in Amps.
powerscale_node_PowerPowerScale Node PowerPowerW3.0.0Power
powerscale_node_DiskInRateSumPowerScale Node Disk In Rate SumPerformancerops3.0.0Sum of all disk IN per Node basis
powerscale_node_DiskOutRateSumPowerScale Node Disk Out Rate SumPerformancerops3.0.0Sum of all disk OUT per Node basis
powerscale_node_user_CPUUtlizationPowerScale Node CPU UserUsage%3.0.0CPU User
powerscale_node_CPUIdlePowerScale Node CPU Idleusage%3.0.0CPU Idle
powerscale_node_Interrupt_CPUUtilizationPowerScale Node CPU Interruptusage%3.0.0CPU Interrupt
powerscale_node_system_CPUUtlizationPowerScale Node CPU Systemusage%3.0.0CPU System
powerscale_node_CPUNicePowerScale Node CPU Niceusage%3.0.0CPU Nice
powerscale_node_AvgLatencyPowerScale Node Average LatencyPerformancems3.0.0average Protocol latency performance
powerscale_node_MaxLatencyPowerScale Node Maximum LatencyPerformancems3.0.0maximum Protocol latency performance
powerscale_node_MinLatencyPowerScale Node Minimum LatencyPerformancems3.0.0minimum Protocol latency performance
powerscale_node_DiskIOPSPowerScale Node Disk IOPSPerformancerops3.0.0disk IOPS
powerscale_node_DiskReadPowerScale Node DiskReadPerformancerops3.0.0disk reads
powerscale_node_DiskWritePowerScale Node DiskWritePerformancerops3.0.0disk writes
powerscale_node_NetworkInErrors_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkInError/SecAvailabilityErrors per Sec3.0.0Network input errors per-second
powerscale_node_NetworkInMegabytes_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkInMegabytes/SecPerformanceMBps3.0.0Network input megabytes per-second
powerscale_node_NetworkInPackets_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkInPackets/SecPerformancepackets/sec3.0.0Network input packets per-second
powerscale_node_NetworkOutErrors_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkOutErrors/SecAvailabilityErrors per Sec3.0.0Network output errors per-second
powerscale_node_NetworkOutMegabytes_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkOutMegabytes/SecPerformanceMBps3.0.0Network output megabytes per-second
powerscale_node_NetworkOutPackets_Per_SecPowerScale Node NetworkOutPackets/SecPerformancepackets/sec3.0.0Network output packets per-second
powerscale_node_OnefsInPowerScale Node OnefsInPerformanceMBps3.0.0OneFS throughput in MB/s in.
powerscale_node_OnefsOutPowerScale Node OnefsOutPerformanceMBps3.0.0OneFS throughput in MB/s out.
powerscale_node_OnefsTotalPowerScale Node OnefsTotalPerformanceMBps3.0.0OneFS throughput in MB/s total.
powerscale_node_ProtocolDataReadPowerScale Node ProtocolDataReadPerformancerops3.0.0Protocol date read operations per second. This is a variable number of output fields depending on the protocol being displayed.
powerscale_node_ProtocolDataWritePowerScale Node ProtocolDataWritePerformancerops3.0.0Protocol data write operations per second. This is a variable number of output fields depending on the protocol being displayed.
powerscale_node_max_UserCPUPowerScale Node Max User CPUusage3.0.0Max User CPU
powerscale_node_max_SystemCPUPowerScale Node Max System CPUusage3.0.0Max System CPU
powerscale_node_DiskOutRateAllPowerScale Node Disk Out Rate AllPerformancerops3.0.0Show the value of each disk OUT values per node basis
powerscale_node_DiskInRateAllPowerScale Node Disk In Rate AllPerformancerops3.0.0Show the value of each disk IN values per node basis
PowerScale Network Interfacepowerscale_networkinterface_StatusPowerScale Network Interface StatusAvailability3.0.0PowerScale Network Interface status.
Possible values are: up, no_carrier, active, inactive, disabled, unknown
powerscale_networkinterface_NetworkInErrors_Per_Sec_PctPowerScale Network Interface InError Per Sec PctAvailability%4.0.0PowerScale Network Interface InError rate Percentage
powerscale_networkinterface_NetworkOutErrors_Per_Sec_PctPowerScale Network Interface OutError Per Sec PctAvailability%4.0.0PowerScale Network Interface OutError rate Percentage
PowerScale Drivepowerscale_drive_avg_LatencyPowerScale Drive Average LatencyPerformancems3.0.0The average operation latency.
powerscale_drive_Statepowerscale_drive_StateAvailabilityNone3.0.0This drive's state as presented to the UI. Possible values : SMARTFAIL - 0, REPLACE - 1, ERASE - 2, SED_ERROR - 3.
PowerScale Jobpowerscale_job_StatePowerScale Job StateAvailabilityNone3.0.0Current state of the job. Possible values : running - 0, paused_user - 1, paused_system - 2, paused_policy - 3, paused_priority - 4, cancelled_user - 5, cancelled_system - 6, failed - 7, succeeded - 8, failed_not_retried - 9, unknown - 10.
PowerScale Quotapowerscale_quota_AdvisoryThresholdInTiBPowerScale Quota AdvisoryThreshold In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Usage TiB at which notifications will be sent but writes will not be denied.
powerscale_quota_HardThresholdInTiBPowerScale Quota HardThreshold In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Usage TiB at which further writes will be denied.
powerscale_quota_LogicalUsageInTiBPowerScale Quota LogicalUsage In TiBusageTiB3.0.0TiB used by governed data apparent to the filesystem.
powerscale_quota_PhysicalUsageInTiBPowerScale Quota PhysicalUsage In TiBusageTiB3.0.0TiB is used for governed data and filesystem overhead.
powerscale_quota_ProtectionInTiBPowerScale Quota Protection In TiBusageTiB3.0.0Difference between physical and logical data in TiB.
powerscale_quota_UsedInPctPowerScale Quota Used In Pctusage%3.0.0PowerScale Quota Used In Percentage
powerscale_quota_FileCountPowerScale Quota FileCountusagecount3.0.0Number of inodes (filesystem entities) used by governed data.
PowerScale SyncIQ Policypowerscale_syncIQPolicy_IsEnabledPowerScale SyncIQPolicy IsEnabledAvailabilityNone3.0.0If true, jobs will be automatically run based on this policy, according to its schedule.
powerscale_syncIQPolicy_LastJobStatePowerScale SyncIQPolicy LastJobStateAvailabilityNone3.0.0This is the state of the most recent job for this policy. Possible values : finished - 0, unknown - 1, failed - 2.
powerscale_syncIQPolicy_IsJobRanLastdayPowerScale SyncIQPolicy IsJobRanLastdayNone3.0.0This metric tells whether this Job ran last day or not.

Default Monitoring Configurations

Dell PowerScale has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business use cases by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. OpsRamp recommends doing this activity before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    OpsRamp has a Global Device Management Policy for each Native Type of Dell PowerScale. You can find those Device Management Policies at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: dell-power-scale PowerScale Cluster - 1 (i.e, appName = dell-power-scale, nativeType = PowerScale Cluster, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    OpsRamp has a Global template for each Native Type of Dell PowerScale. You can find those templates at Setup > Monitoring > Templates, search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: dell-power-scale PowerScale Cluster Template - 1 (i.e, appName = dell-power-scale, nativeType = PowerScale Cluster, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    OpsRamp has a Global Monitors for each Native Type which has monitoring support. You can find those monitors at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: PowerScale Cluster Monitor dell-power-scale PowerScale Cluster 1(i.e, monitorKey = PowerScale Cluster Monitor, appName = dell-power-scale, nativeType = PowerScale Cluster, version = 1)

Configure and Install the Dell Powerscale Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
  6. Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  1. Click ADD in the Dell PowerScale application.
  2. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host NameIP Address or Host name of the End Resource.
API PortAPI Port information.
Note: By default 8080 is the port value.
SSH PortSSH Port information.
Note: By default 22 is the port value.
API Authentication TypeSelect the API authentication type from the drop-down list.
Note: By default Basic Auth is selected.
CredentialsSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.
Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • Select the following:
    • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
    • Event/Alert Polling: enables integrating third party alerts into OpsRamp using further configurations.
    • API Timeouts: These are the maximum API Timeouts that the application can use to connect and get responses from the end device.
      • Connection Timeout in Secs: a time period in which a client should establish a connection with a server.
        Note: By default 60 is selected.
      • Connection Request Timeout in Secs: a time period required to process an HTTP call: from sending a request to receiving a response.
        Note: By default 60 is selected.
      • Socket Timeout in Secs: a maximum time of inactivity between two data packets when exchanging data with a server.
        Note: By default 60 is selected.
  • By default Alert On rootResource is selected.
  • Below are the default values set for:
    • Event/Alert Severity Filter: provides severity alerts and gets integrated out of all possible alerts.
      • Default Values: emergency, critical, warning, information, unknown.
      • Possible Values: emergency, critical, warning, information, unknown.
    • Event/Alert Severity Mapping: enables you to map the severities between Dell PowerScale and OpsRamp as severities are predefined values in each system.
      • Default mappings: {“emergency”:“Critical”,“critical”:“Critical”,“warning”:“Warning”,“information”:“Info”,“unknown”:“Info”}
        Note: You can change it as per your business use cases at any point in time from the Configuration page.
  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it. From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.

  1. Select an existing registered profile.
  1. Click FINISH.

The application is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the Dell PowerScale Details

To discover resources for Dell PowerScale

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > Storage > Dell PowerScale.
  2. The Dell PowerScale page is displayed, select the application name.
  3. The RESOURCE DETAILS page appears from the right.
  4. Click the ellipsis () on the top right and select View details.
  5. Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.
  • Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for Dell PowerScale.

Resource Filter Input Keys

Dell PowerScale app Resources are filtered and discovered based on below keys:

Note: You can filter the resources with the discoverable keys only.

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeSupported Input Keys
All TypesresourceName
PowerScale ClusterOneFS Version
PowerScale NodeNode Capacity
Node Type
PowerScale JobStartTime
Pool Id
Sc Suspended Nodes
PowerScale QuotaPath
Zone Name
Advisory Last Exceeded
Hard Last Exceeded
PowerScale SyncIQ PolicyPath
Last Started
Last Success
PowerScale SnapShotSchedule
PowerScale Nfs ExportPath
Zone Name
PowerScale Smb ShareZone Name
PowerScale DriveNode ID

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation.
Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros













                                ${Custome Attributes in the resource}


Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration

    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • Application uses the provided IpAddress/hostname, Credentials for both REST APIs and SSH communications. SSH communication is used for powerscale_bootDrive_LifeRemaining metric collection. Rest API communication is used for rest of the functionalities.

  • Credentials used should have sudo root privileges for ssh connection used for powerscale_bootDrive_LifeRemaining metric collection.

  • Application will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.

  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts.

  • Metrics can be used to monitor Dell PowerScale resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.

  • Dell PowerScale’s Event/Alert polling will be started only if the user enables Event/Alert Polling in configuration.

  • Possible values of Event/Alert Severity Filter configuration property are emergency, critical, warning, information, unknown.

  • OpsRamp has given sample mappings to map Dell PowerScale with OpsRamp Severities as part of the Event/Alert Severity Mapping configuration file. Users can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from the application configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.

  • No support of showing activity logs.

  • The Template Applied Time will only be displayed if the collector profile (Classic and NextGen Gateway) is version 18.1.0 or higher.

  • The minimum supported version for the option to get the latest snapshot metric is Nextgen-14.0.0.

  • ​​​For Network Interfaces, we are mapping the Ip Address with external IPs of network interfaces and ignoring internal ips based on available pool details like “Internal_MGMT”.

  • This application supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway.

  • The following read privilege is required to get the Zones API work:

    • Auth access zones (ISI_PRIV_AUTH_ZONES)
  • For PowerScale Nodes, we are mapping the Ip Address with external IP of first network interface whose pool is not null and not Internal_MGMT and also Type is not internal.

  • Starting from version 5.0.1, to avoid node reconciliation with the cluster, we are mapping the MAC address with dummy values if both the Cluster and Node have the same IP Address.

    Note: In the scenario where the Cluster and Node share the same IPAddress and have undergone reconciliation, during an upgrade, the cluster will retain the custom attributes of the node as well.




Before troubleshooting, ensure all prerequisites prerequisites are met.

If Dell PowerScale integrations fail to discover or monitor, troubleshoot using the following steps:

  • Check if any alerts have been generation on PowerScale Cluster, the gateway, or in vprobe.
  • If there is an error or alert related to the end device connectivity or authentication, try checking the reachability of the end device from the gateway with the following commands:
    • to ping the IP address provided in the configuration: {ping <IP Address>}
    • to try telnet: {telnet <IP Adress> <Port>}
    • To run an API:
      • Prepare the request payload by using below sample request:

        { “apiVersion”: “debug/v1”, “module”: “Debug”, “app”: “dell-power-scale”, “action”: “Reachability”, “payload”: { “ipAddressOrHostName”: “”, “protocol”: “https”, “port”: 443, “requestPath”: “”,


        “requestMethod”:"<get/post>", “userName”: “”, “password”: “” } }

      • Encode the request payload to base64

      • Log in to the gateway concole and connect to the GCLI terminal using the below command: {## gcli}

      • Run the command using the previously generated base64 encoded string {## sdkappdebug <base64 encoded string>}

  • If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.

Version History

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
6.0.0Support provided for the metric powerscale_cluster_health_Status.
5.0.3Added support for the latest metrics, Activity Logger updates, and DebugHandler changes.
  • Fixed the issue caused due to jsonpath library version update and populated IO statistics metrics on "PowerScale Cluster" & "PowerScale Node" native types.
  • Enhanced event processing logic to resolve correlation issue.
5.0.1If Cluster and One of the node Ips matched then Updating the MAC address of cluster and that Node as CU:00:00:00:00:FirstTwoCharsOfSerialNumber and ND:00:00:00:00:FirstTwoCharsOfSerialNumber respectively.
  • Updated loggers from Error Level to Debug Level to minimize memory utilization.
  • Metric Calculation correction for below metrics:
    • powerscale_cluster_FreeCapacity
    • powerscale_cluster_UsedCapacity
    • powerscale_cluster_TotalCapacity
    • powerscale_quota_NfsHard
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsedHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsedSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_VirtualHotSpareBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsedHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsedSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_VirtualHotSpareBytes
    • powerscale_node_TotalCapacity
    • powerscale_node_FreeCapacity
    • powerscale_node_UsedCapacity
  • Corrected powerscale_bootDrive_LifeRemaining metric processing check at app-level.
  • Support given to all the possible states for metric powerscale_drive_State.
  • subCategory updated from Storage Management to Storage.
  • Support for native type wise discovery.
  • Setting aliasName for PowerScale Nodes with its Serial Number
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
  • Support given to discover internal interfaces and provided additional metrics support for PowerScale Network Interface Native Type resources
    • powerscale_networkinterface_NetworkInErrors_Per_Sec_Pct.
    • powerscale_networkinterface_NetworkOutErrors_Per_Sec_Pct
  • Metric Calculation correction for below metrics
    • powerscale_cluster_CapacityUtilization
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableSsdBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsedSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableSsdBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsedSsdBytes
    • powerscale_cluster_RawCapacity
  • IpAddresses mapping for few nodes case Handled
  • Cache flush case handled
3.1.4PowerScale Nodes are mapped with external IPs
  • Bug fix - few metric values multiplied with a factor of 100.
    • powerscale_cluster_nodePools_UsedInPct
    • powerscale_cluster_nodePools_VHSInPct
    • powerscale_cluster_TotalCapacity
    • powerscale_cluster_UsedCapacity
    • powerscale_cluster_FreeCapacity
    • powerscale_nodepools_VirtualHotSpareBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsedHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_UsableBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_TotalHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeHddBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_FreeBytes
    • powerscale_nodepools_AvailHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_VirtualHotSpareBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsedHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_UsableHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_TotalBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_FreeBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailHddBytes
    • powerscale_storagepools_AvailBytes
    • powerscale_node_UsedCapacity
    • powerscale_node_FreeCapacity
    • powerscale_node_TotalCapacity
    • powerscale_cluster_CapacityUtilization
  • Provided disPlay order And resource grouping support
  • subCatgeory updated from Storage Arrays to Storage Management
  • Exception handling for PowerScale zones API.
  • Provided the fix to get the metric values corrected for the below metrics
    • powerscale_node_DiskRead
    • powerscale_node_DiskWrite
    • powerscale_node_OnefsIn
    • powerscale_node_OnefsOut
    • powerscale_node_OnefsTotal
    • powerscale_node_ProtocolDataRead
    • powerscale_node_ProtocolDataWrite
    • powerscale_node_NetworkInErrors_Per_Sec
    • powerscale_node_NetworkInMegabytes_Per_Sec
    • powerscale_node_NetworkInPackets_Per_Sec
    • powerscale_node_NetworkOutErrors_Per_Sec
    • powerscale_node_NetworkOutMegabytes_Per_Sec
    • powerscale_node_NetworkOutPackets_Per_Sec
  • Corrected the logic to discover Network interface resource IP details.
  • Zone details added for nfs exports, smb shares and quotas.
  • Bug fix - setting Hostname and DnsName of nodes with valid hostname.
  • Added metric label support.
  • Missing component alert support.
3.1.0Timeout checkbox is added in the app configuration.
  • Full discovery support.
  • API Stats metric support.
3.0.0Initial resource discovery and monitoring implementations.