Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that makes it easy to migrate to a message broker in the cloud. A message broker allows software applications and components to communicate using various programming languages, operating systems, and formal messaging protocols.
Use the AWS public cloud integration to discover and collect metrics against the AWS service.
To set up the AWS integration and discover the AWS MQ Broker service, do the following:
- Create an AWS Integration if not available in your installed integrations. For more information on how to install the AWS Integration, refer to Installation and Configuration.
- Create a discovery profile. For more information on discovery profiles, refer to Create Discovery Profile.
- Select
MQ Broker

AWS Integration Discovery Profile
- Save the discovery profile to make them available in the list of Discovery Profiles.
- Scan to discover the resources at any time independent of the predefined schedule.
- Once the scan is completed, you can view the MQ Broker resources under Infrastructure > Resources > AWS category.
Event support
CloudTrail event support
- Supported (CreateBroker, DeleteBroker)
- Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.
CloudWatch alarm support
- Supported
- Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.
External reference
Supported metrics
OpsRamp Metric | AWS Metric | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description | Aggregation Type |
aws_amazonmq_NetworkIn | NetworkIn | Network In | Bytes | The volume of incoming traffic for the broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_NetworkOut | NetworkOut | Network Out | Bytes | The volume of outgoing traffic for the broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_OpenTransactionCount | OpenTransactionCount | Open Transaction Count | Count | The total number of transactions in progress. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_StorePercentUsage | StorePercentUsage | Store Percent Usage | Percent | The percent used by the storage limit. If this count reaches 100%, the broker will refuse the messages. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_TotalConsumerCount | TotalConsumerCount | Total Consumer Count | Count | The number of message consumers subscribed to the destinations in the current broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_TotalMessageCount | TotalMessageCount | Total Message Count | Count | The number of messages stored in the broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_TotalProducerCount | TotalProducerCount | Total Producer Count | Count | The number of message producers active on destinations in the current broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_CpuCreditBalance | CpuCreditBalance | Cpu Credit Balance | Count | The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started (including the number of launch credits). | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_CpuUtilization | CpuUtilization | Cpu Utilization | Percent | The percentage of allocated EC2 compute units that the broker currently uses. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_CurrentConnectionsCount | CurrentConnectionsCount | Current Connections Count | Count | The current number of active connections on the current broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_EstablishedConnectionsCount | EstablishedConnectionsCount | Established Connections Count | Count | The total number of connections, active and inactive, that have been established on the broker. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_InactiveDurableTopicSubscribersCount | InactiveDurableTopicSubscribersCount | Inactive Durable Topic Subscribers Count | Count | The number of inactive durable topic subscribers, up to a maximum of 2000. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_JournalFilesForFastRecovery | JournalFilesForFastRecovery | Journal Files For Fast Recovery | Count | The number of journal files that will be replayed after a clean shutdown. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_JournalFilesForFullRecovery | JournalFilesForFullRecovery | Journal Files For Full Recovery | Count | The number of journal files that will be replayed after an unclean shutdown. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_HeapUsage | HeapUsage | Heap Usage | Percent | The percentage of the ActiveMQ JVM memory limit that the broker currently uses. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_BurstBalance | BurstBalance | Burst Balance | Percent | The remaining percentage of the underlying storage layers Amazon EBS volume burst credits. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_VolumeReadOps | VolumeReadOps | Volume ReadOps | Count | The number of read operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_VolumeWriteOps | VolumeWriteOps | Volume WriteOps | Count | The number of write operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume. | Sum |
aws_amazonmq_ConsumerCount | ConsumerCount | Consumer Count | Count | The number of consumers subscribed to the destination. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_EnqueueCount | EnqueueCount | Enqueue Count | Count | The number of messages sent to the destination, per minute. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_EnqueueTime | EnqueueTime | Enqueue Time | Milliseconds | The end-to-end latency from when a message arrives at a broker until it is delivered to a consumer. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_ExpiredCount | ExpiredCount | Expired Count | Count | The number of messages that could not be delivered because they expired, per minute. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_DispatchCount | DispatchCount | Dispatch Count | Count | The number of messages sent to consumers, per minute. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_DequeueCount | DequeueCount | Dequeue Count | Count | The number of messages acknowledged by consumers, per minute. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_InFlightCount | InFlightCount | InFlight Count | Count | The number of messages sent to consumers that have not been acknowledged. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_ReceiveCount | ReceiveCount | Receive Count | Count | The number of messages that have been received from the remote broker for a duplex network connector. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_MemoryUsage | MemoryUsage | Memory Usage | Percent | The percentage of the memory limit that the destination currently uses. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_ProducerCount | ProducerCount | Producer Count | Count | The number of producers for the destination. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_TotalEnqueueCount | TotalEnqueueCount | Total Enqueue Count | Count | The total number of messages that have been sent to the broker. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_TotalDequeueCount | TotalDequeueCount | Total Dequeue Count | Count | The total number of messages that have been consumed by clients. | Average |
aws_amazonmq_QueueSize | QueueSize | Queue Size | Count | The number of messages in the queue. | Average |