This article introduces how Clickhouse monitoring works, and how to apply this monitoring on the resource
ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS (columnar database management system) for online analytical processing (OLAP) that allows users to generate analytical reports using SQL queries in real-time.
To configure the changes for ClickHouse monitoring you should:
- Create User
- CREATE USER ‘< Username >’ IDENTIFIED WITH sha256_password BY ‘< Password >';
- Create Role
- CREATE ROLE ‘< role >’
- Grant minimum privileges for monitoring needs to Role and grant it to the User
- GRANT SELECT ON system.* TO < role >
- GRANT < role > to ‘< Username >’
- Use this USERNAME and PASSWORD, and Role for Clickhouse monitoring.
Apply Clickhouse Monitoring
To apply a Clickhouse Monitoring:
- From All Clients, select a client.
- Go to Infrastructure > Resources.
- From the available resources, select the required resource.
- Select the monitor and from the Templates screen, click +Assign Templates, which displays the Apply Templates screen:

From Select Templates > Available templates, select clickhouse (v1) template. Selected templates display the chosen templates.
Note: Select the Collector Type as Agent.Click Assign, which displays the Enter Configurations section.

- Enter Value for the Assigned Templates and Configuration Parameters and click Assign.
Note: In the case of docker, input the ip address with the container ip address.

The templates screen displays the selected templates.
Supported Metrics
Monitor Name | Display Name | Units |
clickhouse_ActiveAsyncDrainedConnections Number of active connections drained asynchronously | Active Async Drained Connections | ,connection |
clickhouse_ActiveSyncDrainedConnections Number of active connections drained synchronously | Active Sync Drained Connections | ,connection |
clickhouse_AsyncDrainedConnections Number of connections drained asynchronously | Async Drained Connections | ,connection |
clickhouse_BackgroundBufferFlushSchedulePoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundBufferFlushSchedulePool. This pool is used for periodic Buffer flushes | Background Buffer Flush Schedule Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BackgroundDistributedSchedulePoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundDistributedSchedulePool. This pool is used for distributed sends that are done in the background. | Background Distributed Schedule Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BackgroundFetchesPoolTask Number of active fetches in an associated background pool | Background Fetches Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BackgroundMessageBrokerSchedulePoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for message streaming | Background Message Broker Schedule Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BackgroundMovePoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool for moves | Background Move Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BackgroundSchedulePoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundSchedulePool. This pool is used for periodic ReplicatedMergeTree tasks, like cleaning old data parts, altering data parts, replica re-initialization, etc. | Background Schedule Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_BrokenDistributedFilesToInsert Number of files for asynchronous insertion into Distributed tables that has been marked as broken. This metric will starts from 0 on start. Number of files for every shard is summed. | Broken Distributed Files To Insert | ,file |
clickhouse_CacheDictionaryUpdateQueueBatches Number of 'batches' (a set of keys) in update queue in CacheDictionaries | Cache Dictionary Update Queue Batches | |
clickhouse_CacheDictionaryUpdateQueueKeys Exact number of keys in update queue in CacheDictionaries. | Cache Dictionary Update Queue Keys | ,key |
clickhouse_ContextLockWait Number of threads waiting for lock in Context. Note: This is a global lock. | Context Lock Wait | ,thread |
clickhouse_Systemmetric_DelayedInserts Number of times the INSERT of a block to a MergeTree table was throttled due to the high number of active data parts for partition. | Systemmetric Delayed Inserts | |
clickhouse_DictCacheRequests Number of requests in fly to data sources of dictionaries of cache type. | Dict Cache Requests | ,request |
clickhouse_DiskSpaceReservedForMerge Disk space reserved for currently running background merges. It is slightly more than the total size of currently merging parts. | Disk Space Reserved For Merge | ,byte |
clickhouse_DistributedFilesToInsert Number of pending files to process for asynchronous insertion into Distributed tables. Number of files for every shard is summed. | Distributed Files To Insert | ,file |
clickhouse_DistributedSend Number of connections to remote servers sending data that was INSERTed into Distributed tables. Both synchronous and asynchronous mode. | Distributed Send | ,connection |
clickhouse_EphemeralNode Number of ephemeral nodes held in ZooKeeper. | Ephemeral Node | ,node |
clickhouse_GlobalThread Number of threads in global thread pool. | Global Thread | ,thread |
clickhouse_GlobalThreadActive Number of threads in the global thread pool running a task. | Global Thread Active | ,thread |
clickhouse_HTTPConnection Number of connections to HTTP server | HTTP Connection | ,connection |
clickhouse_InterserverConnection Number of connections from other replicas to fetch parts | Interserver Connection | ,connection |
clickhouse_LocalThread Number of threads in local thread pools. The threads in local thread pools are taken from the global thread pool. | Local Thread | ,thread |
clickhouse_LocalThreadActive Number of threads in local thread pools running a task. | Local Thread Active | ,thread |
clickhouse_MMappedFileBytes Sum size of mmapped file regions. | MMapped File Bytes | |
clickhouse_MMappedFiles Total number of mmapped files. | MMapped Files | |
clickhouse_MaxDDLEntryID Max processed the DDL entry of DDLWorker. | MaxDDL Entry ID | |
clickhouse_MemoryTracking Total amount of memory (bytes) allocated by the server. | Memory Tracking | ,byte |
clickhouse_Systemmetric_Merge Number of executing background merges | Systemmetric Merge | ,merge |
clickhouse_MySQLConnection Number of client connections using MySQL protocol | My SQL Connection | ,connection |
clickhouse_NetworkReceive Number of threads receiving data from the network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries. | Network Receive | |
clickhouse_NetworkSend Number of threads sending data to the network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries. | Network Send | |
clickhouse_OpenFileForRead Number of files open for reading | Open File For Read | ,file |
clickhouse_OpenFileForWrite Number of files open for writing | Open File For Write | ,file |
clickhouse_PartMutation Number of mutations (ALTER DELETE/UPDATE) | Part Mutation | |
clickhouse_PartsCommitted Active data part, used by current and upcoming SELECTs. | Parts Committed | |
clickhouse_PartsCompact Compact parts | Parts Compact | |
clickhouse_PartsDeleteOnDestroy Part was moved to another disk and should be deleted in its own destructor. | Parts Delete On Destroy | |
clickhouse_PartsDeleting Not active data part with identity refcounter, it is deleting right now by a cleaner | Parts Deleting | |
clickhouse_PartsInMemory In-memory parts | Parts In Memory | |
clickhouse_PartsOutdated Not active data part, but could be used by only current SELECTs, could be deleted after SELECTs finishes. | Parts Outdated | |
clickhouse_PartsPreCommitted The part is in data_parts, but not used for SELECTs | Parts Pre Committed | |
clickhouse_PartsTemporary The part is generated now, it is not in the data_parts list. | Parts Temporary | |
clickhouse_PartsWide Wide parts. | Parts Wide | |
clickhouse_PostgreSQLConnection Number of client connections using PostgreSQL protocol | Postgre SQL Connection | ,connection |
clickhouse_Systemmetric_Query Number of executing queries | Systemmetric Query | ,query |
clickhouse_QueryPreempted Number of queries that are stopped and waiting due to 'priority' setting. | Query Preempted | ,query |
clickhouse_QueryThread Number of query processing threads | Query Thread | ,thread |
clickhouse_RWLockActiveReaders Number of threads holding read lock in a table RWLock. | RWLock Active Readers | ,thread |
clickhouse_RWLockActiveWriters Number of threads holding write lock in a table RWLock. | RWLock Active Writers | ,thread |
clickhouse_RWLockWaitingReaders Number of threads waiting to be read on a table RWLock. | RWLock Waiting Readers | ,thread |
clickhouse_RWLockWaitingWriters Number of threads waiting to write on a table RWLock. | RWLock Waiting Writers | ,thread |
clickhouse_Read Number of read (read, pread, io_getevents, etc.) syscalls in fly | Read | ,read |
clickhouse_ReadonlyReplica Number of Replicated tables that are currently in readonly state due to re-initialization after ZooKeeper session loss or due to startup without ZooKeeper configured. | Read only Replica | ,table |
clickhouse_ReplicatedChecks Number of data parts checking for consistency | Replicated Checks | |
clickhouse_ReplicatedFetch Number of data parts being fetched from replica | Replicated Fetch | |
clickhouse_ReplicatedSend Number of data parts being sent to replicas | Replicated Send | |
clickhouse_SendExternalTables Number of connections that are sending data for external tables to remote servers. External tables are used to implement GLOBAL IN and GLOBAL JOIN operators with distributed subqueries. | Send External Tables | ,connection |
clickhouse_SendScalars Number of connections that are sending data for scalars to remote servers. | Send Scalars | ,connection |
clickhouse_StorageBufferBytes Number of bytes in buffers of Buffer tables. | Storage Buffer Bytes | ,byte |
clickhouse_StorageBufferRows Number of rows in buffers of Buffer tables. | Storage Buffer Rows | ,row |
clickhouse_SyncDrainedConnections Number of connections drained synchronously. | Sync Drained Connections | ,connection |
clickhouse_TCPConnection Number of connections to TCP server (clients with native interface), also included server-server distributed query connections. | TCP Connection | ,connection |
clickhouse_TablesToDropQueueSize Number of dropped tables that are waiting for background data removal. | Tables To Drop Queue Size | ,table |
clickhouse_Write Number of write (write, pwrite, io_getevents, etc.) syscalls in fly. | Write | ,write |
clickhouse_ZooKeeperRequest Number of requests to ZooKeeper in fly. | ZooKeeper Request | ,request |
clickhouse_ZooKeeperSession Number of sessions (connections) to ZooKeeper. Should be no more than one, because using more than one connection to ZooKeeper may lead to bugs due to lack of linearizability (stale reads) that ZooKeeper consistency model allows. | ZooKeeper Session | ,connection |
clickhouse_ZooKeeperWatch Number of watches (event subscriptions) in ZooKeeper. | ZooKeeper Watch | |
clickhouse_CompressedReadBufferBytes_per_sec Number of uncompressed bytes (the number of bytes after decompression) read from compressed sources (files, network). | Compressed Read Buffer Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_ContextLock_per_sec Number of times the lock of Context was acquired or tried to acquire. This is a global lock. | Context Lock | |
clickhouse_DiskReadElapsedMicroseconds Total time spent waiting to read syscall. This includes reads from page cache. | Disk Read Elapsed Microseconds | |
clickhouse_CannotWriteToWriteBufferDiscard_per_sec Number of stack traces dropped by query profiler or signal handler because pipe is full or cannot write to pipe. | Cannot Write To Write Buffer Discard | |
clickhouse_CompressedReadBufferBlocks_per_sec Number of compressed blocks (the blocks of data that are compressed independent of each other) read from compressed sources (files, network). | Compressed Read Buffer Blocks | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_DiskWriteElapsedMicroseconds Total time spent waiting to write syscall. This includes writes to page cache. | Disk Write Elapsed Microseconds | |
clickhouse_FileOpen_per_sec Number of files opened. | File Open | ,files/sec |
clickhouse_InsertedBytes_per_sec Number of bytes (uncompressed; for columns as they are stored in memory) INSERTed to all tables. | Inserted Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_InsertedRows_per_sec Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. Each block forms a data part of level zero. | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAlreadySorted_per_sec Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables that appeared to be already sorted. | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks Already Sorted | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytes_per_sec Bytes written to filesystem for data INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | Merge Tree Data Writer Compressed Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_per_sec Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows | ,rows/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytes_per_sec Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they are stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | Merge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_MergedRows_per_sec Rows read for background merges. This is the number of rows before merge. | Merged Rows | ,rows/sec |
clickhouse_MergedUncompressedBytes_per_sec Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they are stored in memory) that were read for background merges. This is the number before merge. | Merged Uncompressed Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_MergesTimeMilliseconds Total time spent for background merges. | Merges Time Milliseconds | |
clickhouse_NetworkReceiveBytes_per_se Total number of bytes received from network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries. | Network Receive Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_NetworkSendBytes_per_sec Total number of bytes sent to the network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries. | Network Send Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_NetworkSendElapsedMicroseconds Total time spent waiting for data to send to network or sending data to network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries | Network Send Elapsed Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_NetworkReceiveElapsedMicroseconds Total time spent waiting for data to receive or receiving data from the network. Only ClickHouse-related network interaction is included, not by 3rd party libraries | Network Receive Elapsed Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_OSCPUVirtualTimeMicroseconds CPU time spent seen by OS. Does not include involuntary waits due to virtualization. | OSCPU Virtual Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_OSCPUWaitMicroseconds Total time a thread was ready for execution but waiting to be scheduled by OS, from the OS point of view. | OSCPU Wait Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_OSReadBytes_per_sec Number of bytes read from disks or block devices. Doesn't include bytes read from page cache. May include excessive data due to block size, readahead, etc. | OS Read Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_OSReadChars_per_sec Number of bytes read from filesystem, including page cache. | OS Read Chars | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_OSWriteBytes_per_sec Number of bytes written to disks or block devices. Doesn't include bytes that are in page cache dirty pages. May not include data that was written by the OS asynchronously. | OS Write Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_OSWriteChars_per_sec Number of bytes written to filesystem, including page cache. | OS Write Chars | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_Systemevent_Query_per_sec Number of queries to be interpreted and potentially executed. Does not include queries that failed to parse or were rejected due to AST size limits, quota limits or limits on the number of simultaneously running queries. May include internal queries initiated by ClickHouse itself. Does not count subqueries. | Systemevent Query | ,query/sec |
clickhouse_QueryTimeMicroseconds_per_sec Total time of all queries. | Query Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorRead_per_sec Number of reads (read/pread) from a file descriptor. Does not include sockets. | Read Buffer From File Descriptor Read | ,reads/sec |
clickhouse_ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes_per_sec Number of bytes read from file descriptors. If the file is compressed, this will show the compressed data size. | Read Buffer From File Descriptor Read Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_ReadCompressedBytes_per_sec Number of bytes (the number of bytes before decompression) read from compressed sources (files, network). | Read Compressed Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_RealTimeMicroseconds Total (wall clock) time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads (not that this is a sum). | Real Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_RegexpCreated_per_sec Compiled regular expressions. Identical regular expressions compiled just once and cached forever. | Regexp Created | |
clickhouse_SelectQuery_per_sec Same as Query, but only for SELECT queries | Select Query | ,query/sec |
clickhouse_SelectQueryTimeMicroseconds Total time of SELECT queries | Select Query Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_SelectedBytes_per_sec Number of bytes (uncompressed; for columns as they are stored in memory) SELECTed from all tables. | Selected Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_SelectedRows_per_sec Number of rows SELECTed from all tables. | Selected Rows | ,rows/sec |
clickhouse_SystemTimeMicroseconds Total time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads executing CPU instructions in OS kernel space. This includes the time the CPU pipeline stalled due to cache misses, branch mispredictions, hyper-threading, etc. | System Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_UserTimeMicroseconds Total time spent in processing (queries and other tasks) threads executing CPU instructions in user space. This include time CPU pipeline was stalled due to cache misses, branch mispredictions, hyper-threading, etc | User Time Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWrite_per_sec Number of writes (write/pwrite) to a file descriptor. Does not include sockets. | Write Buffer From File Descriptor Write | ,writes/sec |
clickhouse_WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorWriteBytes_per_sec Number of bytes written to file descriptors. If the file is compressed, this will show compressed data size. | Write Buffer From File Descriptor Write Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_CompiledExpressionCacheCount This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Compiled Expression Cache Count | |
clickhouse_MarkCacheBytes The size of the cache of `marks` for StorageMergeTree. | Mark Cache Bytes | ,byte |
clickhouse_MarkCacheFiles This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Mark Cache Files | |
clickhouse_MaxPartCountForPartition The maximum number of active parts in partitions. | Max Part Count For Partition | |
clickhouse_NumberOfDatabases The current number of databases. | Number Of Databases | |
clickhouse_NumberOfTables The current number of tables. | Number Of Tables | ,table |
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxAbsoluteDelay The maximum replica queue delay relative to current time. | Replicas Max Absolute Delay | ,millisecond |
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueue This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Replicas Max Inserts In Queue | |
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxMergesInQueue This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Replicas Max Merges In Queue | |
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxQueueSize This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Replicas Max Queue Size | ,millisecond |
clickhouse_ReplicasSumInsertsInQueue This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Replicas Sum Inserts In Queue | |
clickhouse_ReplicasSumMergesInQueue This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Replicas Sum Merges In Queue | |
clickhouse_ReplicasSumQueueSize The number of replication tasks in queue. | Replicas Sum Queue Size | ,task |
clickhouse_UncompressedCacheBytes This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Uncompressed Cache Bytes | ,byte |
clickhouse_UncompressedCacheCells This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Uncompressed Cache Cells | |
clickhouse_Uptime The amount of time ClickHouse has been active. | Uptime | ,second |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_active This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Jemalloc Active | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_allocated The amount of memory allocated by ClickHouse. | Jemalloc Allocated | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_background_thread_num_runs This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Jemalloc Background Thread Num Runs | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_background_thread_num_threads This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Jemalloc Background Thread Num Threads | ,thread |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_background_thread_run_intervals This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Jemalloc Background Thread Run Intervals | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_mapped The amount of memory in active extents mapped by the allocator. | Jemalloc Mapped | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_metadata The amount of memory dedicated to metadata, which comprise base allocations used for bootstrap-sensitive allocator metadata structures and internal allocations. | Jemalloc Metadata | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_metadata_thp This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | Jemalloc Metadatathp | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_resident The amount of memory in physically resident data pages mapped by the allocator, comprising all pages dedicated to allocator metadata, pages backing active allocations, and unused dirty pages. | Jemalloc Resident | ,byte |
Clickhouse_jemalloc_retained he amount of memory in virtual memory mappings that were retained rather than being returned to the operating system. | Jemalloc Retained | ,byte |
clickhouse_S3ReadBytes_per_sec Total read bytes (incoming) in GET and HEAD requests to S3 storage. | S3 Read Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_S3ReadMicroseconds Time of GET and HEAD requests to S3 storage | S3 Read Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_S3ReadRequestsCount_per_sec Number of GET and HEAD requests to S3 storage. | S3 Read Requests Count | ,requests/sec |
clickhouse_S3WriteBytes_per_sec Total write bytes (outgoing) in POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage. | S3 Write Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_S3WriteMicroseconds_per_sec Time of POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage. | S3 Write Microseconds | ,microsecond |
clickhouse_S3WriteRequestsCount_per_sec Number of POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage. | S3 Write Requests Count | ,requests/sec |
clickhouse_S3WriteRequestsErrors_per_sec Number of non-throttling errors in POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage. | S3 Write Requests Errors | ,errors/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterBlocks_per_sec Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection. Each block forms a data part of level zero. | Merge Tree Data Projection Writer Blocks | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterCompressedBytes_per_sec Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection that appeared to be already sorted. | Merge Tree Data Projection Writer Compressed Bytes | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterRows_per_sec Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection. | Merge Tree Data Projection Writer Rows | ,rows/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterUncompressedBytes_per_sec Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they are stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection. | Merge Tree Data Projection Writer Uncompressed Bytes | ,bytes/sec |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataProjectionWriterBlocksAlreadySorted_per_sec Total number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables projection that appeared to be already sorted. | Merge Tree Data Projection Writer Blocks Already Sorted | ,blocks/sec |
clickhouse_LeaderElectionAcquiredLeadership_per_sec Number of times a ReplicatedMergeTree table became a leader. Leader replica is responsible for assigning merges, cleaning old blocks for deduplications and a few more bookkeeping tasks. | Leader Election Acquired Leadership | |
clickhouse_CannotRemoveEphemeralNode_per_sec Number of times an error happened while trying to remove an ephemeral node. This is not an issue, because our implementation of ZooKeeper library guarantees that the session will expire and the node will be removed. | Cannot Remove Ephemeral Node | ,errors/sec |
clickhouse_BackgroundPoolTask Number of active tasks in BackgroundProcessingPool (merges, mutations, fetches, or replication queue bookkeeping) | Background Pool Task | ,task |
clickhouse_LeaderElection Number of Replicas participating in leader election. Equals the total number of replicas in usual cases. | Leader Election | ,shard |
clickhouse_LeaderReplica Number of Replicated tables that are leaders. Leader replica is responsible for assigning merges, cleaning old blocks for deduplications and a few more bookkeeping tasks. There may be no more than one leader across all replicas at one moment of time. If there is no leader it will be elected soon or it indicates an issue. | Leader Replica | ,table |
clickhouse_MemoryTrackingForMerges Total amount of memory (bytes) allocated for background merges. Included in MemoryTrackingInBackgroundProcessingPool. | Memory Tracking For Merges | ,byte |
clickhouse_MemoryTrackingInBackgroundMoveProcessingPool Total amount of memory (bytes) allocated in the background processing pool (that is dedicated for background moves). | Memory Tracking In Background Move Processing Pool | ,byte |
clickhouse_MemoryTrackingInBackgroundProcessingPool Total amount of memory (bytes) allocated in the background processing pool (that is dedicated for background merges, mutations and fetches). | Memory Tracking In Background Processing Pool | ,byte |
clickhouse_MemoryTrackingInBackgroundSchedulePool Total amount of memory (bytes) allocated in the background schedule pool (that is dedicated for bookkeeping tasks of Replicated tables). | Memory Tracking In Background Schedule Pool | ,byte |