Kubernetes events serve as a valuable source of information, allowing you to monitor the state of your applications and clusters, respond to failures, and perform diagnostics. These events are generated whenever the state of cluster resources—such as pods, deployments, or nodes—changes.
In Kubernetes 2.0, the agent can optionally export kube events as logs and alerts. Users have the ability to filter events based on criteria such as namespace, type (Normal/Warning), object type, and event reasons.
Users can choose to export kube events as logs, alerts, or both. To export events as logs, Log Management must be enabled at the client level.
User Configuration
Defaults Configuration
By default, logs are enabled, alerts are disabled, and there are no filters applied to namespaces and event types.
Default ConfigMap Name: opsramp-agent-kube-events
Access the ConfigMap:
To view or edit the ConfigMap, use the following command:
kubectl get configmap opsramp-agent-kube-events -n <agent-installed-namespace> -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: "{{ .Release.Name}}-kube-events"
app: {{ .Release.Name}}-kube-events
namespace: {{ include "common.names.namespace" . | quote }}
eventsConfig.yaml: |
# There is a universal LOG management setting for all logs.
# Only if LOG management setting is enabled, logs_enabled setting for kube-events will be effective.
logs_enabled: true
alerts_enabled: false
- name: Failed
- name: InspectFailed
- name: ErrimageNeverPull
- name: Killing
- name: OutOfDisk
- name: HostPortConflict
- name: Backoff
- name: RegisteredNode
- name: RemovingNode
- name: DeletingNode
- name: TerminatingEvictedPod
- name: NodeReady
- name: NodeNotReady
- name: NodeSchedulable
- name: NodeNotSchedulable
- name: CIDRNotAvailable
- name: CIDRAssignmentFailed
- name: Starting
- name: KubeletSetupFailed
- name: FailedMount
- name: NodeSelectorMismatching
- name: InsufficientFreeCPU
- name: InsufficientFreeMemory
- name: OutOfDisk
- name: HostNetworkNotSupported
- name: NilShaper
- name: Rebooted
- name: NodeHasSufficientDisk
- name: NodeOutOfDisk
- name: InvalidDiskCapacity
- name: FreeDiskSpaceFailed
- name: FailedBinding
- name: FailedScheduling
- name: SuccessfulCreate
- name: FailedCreate
- name: SuccessfulDelete
- name: FailedDelete
Namespace Filtering
Users can specify a list of namespaces they are interested in; by default, all namespace events are exported.
Example Configuration:
eventsConfig.yaml: |
# There is a universal LOG management setting for all logs.
# Only if LOG management setting is enabled, logs_enabled setting for kube-events will be effective.
logs_enabled: true
alerts_enabled: false
namespaces: ["default", "agent-namespace", "kube-system"]
Event Type/Level Filtering
Users can provide a list of event types they wish to monitor. Currently, Kubernetes supports two types of events: Normal and Warning.
Example Configuration:
eventsConfig.yaml: |
# There is a universal LOG management setting for all logs.
# Only if LOG management setting is enabled, logs_enabled setting for kube-events will be effective.
logs_enabled: true
alerts_enabled: false
namespaces: ["default", "agent-namespace", "kube-system"]
event_types: ["Warning"]
Object/Kind Filtering
Users can select specific object types for which they want to receive events and specify reasons for those kinds. Additional attributes can also be added for each reason.
If the “severity” attribute is included, it will generate alerts with the appropriate severity level.
Example Configuration with Severity Attribute:
- name: Failed
- name: InspectFailed
- name: ErrimageNeverPull
- name: Killing
- name: OutOfDisk
- name: HostPortConflict
- name: Backoff
- key: severity
value: Warning
Event Reason Filtering
Users may select an “Other” category and provide any reasons of interest. The reasons specified in include_reasons
will be exported regardless of the associated object.
Example Configuration:
- name: FailedBinding
- name: FailedScheduling
- name: SuccessfulCreate
- name: FailedCreate
- name: SuccessfulDelete
- name: FailedDelete
When users edit the ConfigMap, the OpsRamp portal will reflect these updates in real-time as corresponding events occur within the cluster. This format organizes the information into clear sections, making it easier to read and understand while maintaining all essential details.