Supported Metrics
The following tabs represent the Metric Category of HPE StoreOnce
HPE StoreOnce system
HPE StoreOnce System Cpu
HPE StoreOnce System iLOModule
HPE StoreOnce System Fan
HPE StoreOnce System HBA
HPE StoreOnce System Memory DIMM
HPE StoreOnce System PowerSupply
HPE StoreOnce System Temperature Sensor
HPE StoreOnce System Storage Cluster
HPE StoreOnce System Storage Controller
HPE StoreOnce System Pool
HPE StoreOnce System Volume
HPE StoreOnce System FileSystem
HPE StoreOnce System Drive Enclosure
HPE StoreOnce System Drive
HPE StoreOnce Storage Cluster
HPE StoreOnce Storage Controller
HPE StoreOnce Storage Pool
HPE StoreOnce Storage Volume
HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Enclosure
HPE StoreOnce Storage IOModule
HPE StoreOnce Storage Management Processor
HPE StoreOnce Storage PowerSupply
HPE StoreOnce Storage Fan
HPE StoreOnce Storage Temperature Sensor
HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_cat_Health | HPE StoreOnce Cat Health State | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce cat store health state. Possible values are - UNKNOWN : 0, OK : 1, INFORMATION : 2, WARNING : 3, CRITICAL : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_cat_Status | HPE StoreOnce Cat Status | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce CatStore Status. Possible values are - UNUSED : 0, ONLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7, OFFLINE : 8 | |
hpe_storeonce_cat_IsOnline | HPE StoreOnce CatStore IsOnline | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce CatStore IsOnline. Possible values: FALSE : 0, TRUE : 1 | |
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_CapacityBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset CapacityBytes | Bytes | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset CapacityBytes |
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_DiskBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset DiskBytes | Bytes | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset DiskBytes |
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_FreeBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset FreeBytes | Bytes | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset FreeBytes |
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_UserBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset UserBytes | Bytes | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset UserBytes |
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_DedupeRatio | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset Dedupe Ratio | % | 2.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset Dedupe Ratio |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_Health | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Health | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system local storage health. | |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_Health | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Health | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system local storage health. | |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system local storage status. | |
hpe_storeonce_HealthState | HPE StoreOnce Health State | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce hardware monitoring functionality health state. Possible values are - OK : 0, DEGRADED : 1, FAILED : 2, UNKNOWN : 3 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_ConfiguredBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage ConfiguredBytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system local storage configured bytes. |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_UsedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Bytes Used | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Bytes Used |
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_FreeBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Free Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Free Bytes. |
hpe_storeonce_system_CatalystDataJobSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Data Job Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Data Job Sessions. |
hpe_storeonce_system_NasNumDedupeSessions | HPE StoreOnce System NasNumDedupeSessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System NasNumDedupeSessions |
hpe_storeonce_system_VtlNumActiveSessions | HPE StoreOnce System VtlNumActiveSessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System VtlNumActiveSessions. |
hpe_storeonce_system_CatalystInboundCopyJobSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Inbound Copy Job Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Inbound Copy Job Sessions. |
hpe_storeonce_system_CatalystOutboundCopyJobSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Outbound Copy Job Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Outbound Copy Job Sessions. |
hpe_storeonce_system_TotalCpuUtilization | HPE StoreOnce System Total Cpu Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Total Cpu Utilization. |
hpe_storeonce_system_TotalPhysicalMemory | HPE StoreOnce System Total Physical Memory | MB | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Total Physical Memory. |
hpe_storeonce_system_MemoryUtilization | HPE StoreOnce System Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Memory Utilization. |
hpe_storeonce_system_DataDiskUtilisation | HPE StoreOnce System Data Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Data Disk Utilization. |
hpe_storeonce_system_ApplianceStatus | HPE StoreOnce System Appliance Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce appliance status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_DataServicesStatus | HPE StoreOnce System Data Services Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system data services status .Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_LicenseStatus | HPE StoreOnce System License Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system License status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_UserStorageStatus | HPE StoreOnce System User Storage Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system user storage status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_HardwareStatus | HPE StoreOnce System Hardware Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system hardware status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_RemoteSupportStatus | HPE StoreOnce System Remote Support Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system remote support status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_CatStoresSummary | HPE StoreOnce System CatStores Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system catstores summary |
hpe_storeonce_system_CloudBankStoresSummary | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Stores Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system cloudbank stores summary |
hpe_storeonce_system_NasSharesSummary | HPE StoreOnce System NasShares Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system NasShares summary. |
hpe_storeonce_system_VtlLibrariesSummary | HPE StoreOnce System VtlLibraries Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system VtlLibraries summary |
hpe_storeonce_system_NasRepMappingSummary | HPE StoreOnce System NasRepMapping Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system NasRep Mapping summary |
hpe_storeonce_system_VtlRepMappingSummary | HPE StoreOnce System VtlRepMapping Summary | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system VtlRepMapping summary |
hpe_storeonce_system_TotalActiveSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Total Active Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system total active sessions |
hpe_storeonce_system_CapacitySavedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Capacity Saved Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system capacity saved bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_CapacitySavedPercent | HPE StoreOnce System Capacity Saved Percent | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system capacity saved percent |
hpe_storeonce_system_UserBytes | HPE StoreOnce System User Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system user bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_DiskBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Disk Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system disk bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_DedupeRatio | HPE StoreOnce System Dedupe Ratio | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system dedupe ratio | |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_catalyst_OutboundCloudNetworkThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Outbound Cloud Network Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Outbound Cloud Network Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_catalyst_InboundCloudNetworkThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Inbound Cloud Network Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Inbound Cloud Network Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_vtl_ReadThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Read Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Read Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_vtl_WriteThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Write Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Write Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_nas_TransmittedThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Transmitted Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Transmitted Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_nas_ReceivedThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Received Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Received Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgReceivedBandwidth | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Bandwidth | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Bandwidth |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgReceivedThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTransmittedBandwidth | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Bandwidth | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Bandwidth |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTransmittedThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Throughput | Bps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTargetSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Target Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Target Sessions |
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgSourceSessions | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Source Sessions | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Source Sessions |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_OutboundCloudTransmittedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Outbound Cloud Transmitted Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Outbound Cloud Transmitted Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_InboundCloudReceivedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Inbound Cloud Received Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Inbound Cloud Received Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudGetRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Get Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Get Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudHeadRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Head Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Head Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudPutRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Put Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Put Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudPostRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Post Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Post Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudListRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud List Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud List Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_NumCloudDeleteRequests | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Delete Requests Count | count | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Delete Requests Count |
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_PendingBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Pending Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Pending Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_FreedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Freed Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Freed Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_RemovedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Removed Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Removed Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_ProcessedBytes | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Processed Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Processed Bytes |
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_Utilisation | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Utilisation | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Utilisation |
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_ReadThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Read Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Read Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_WriteThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Write Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Write Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_ReadsPerSecond | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk ReadsPerSecond | rps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk ReadsPerSecond |
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_WritesPerSecond | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk WritesPerSecond | wps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk WritesPerSecond |
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_Utilisation | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Utilisation | % | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Utilisation |
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_ReadThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Read Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Read Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_WriteThroughput | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Write Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Write Throughput |
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_ReadsPerSecond | HPE StoreOnce System DataDisk Reads per Second | rps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System DataDisk Reads per Second |
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_WritesPerSecond | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Writes per Second | wps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Writes per Second |
hpe_storeonce_system_ethernetport_ReceiveRate | HPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Receive Rate | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Receive Rate |
hpe_storeonce_system_ethernetport_TransferRate | HPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Transfer Rate | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Transfer Rate |
hpe_storeonce_system_fcport_ReceiveRate | HPE StoreOnce System FCPort Receive Rate | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System FCPort Receive Rate |
hpe_storeonce_system_fcport_TransferRate | HPE StoreOnce System FCPort Transfer Rate | MBps | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce System FCPort Transfer Rate |
hpe_storeonce_system_nic_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Nic Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system mic status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_port_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Port Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system port status .Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_cpu_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Cpu Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system cpu status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_ilomodule_Status | HPE StoreOnce System iLOModule Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system iLOModule status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_fan_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Fan Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system Fan status. Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_hba_Status | HPE StoreOnce System HBA Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system HBA status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_hbaPort_Status | HPE StoreOnce System HBAPort Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system HBAport status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_memorydimm_Status | HPE StoreOnce System MemoryDIMM Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system MemoryDIMM status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_powersupply_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Powersupply Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system powersupply status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_tempsensor_Temperature | HPE StoreOnce System TempSensor Temperature | C | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system tempsensor Temperature |
hpe_storeonce_system_tempsensor_Status | HPE StoreOnce System TempSensor Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system Tempsensot status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_storagecluster_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Storagecluster Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system storagecluster status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_storagecontroller_Status | HPE StoreOnce System StorageController Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system storagecontroller status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_battery_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Battery Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system battery status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_ReadCacheRatio | HPE StoreOnce System IOCacheModule ReadCacheRatio | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system IOCachemodule read cache ratio | |
hpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_WriteCacheRatio | HPE StoreOnce System IOCacheModule WriteCacheRatio | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system IOCachemodule write cache ratio | |
hpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_Status | HPE StoreOnce System IOCacheModule Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system IOCachemodule Status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_pool_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Pool Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system pool status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_volume_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Volume Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system volume status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Filesystem Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system filesystem status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_Utilization | HPE StoreOnce System Filesystem Utilization | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system filesystem utilization | |
hpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_InodesUtilization | HPE StoreOnce System Filesystem InodesUtilization | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system filesystem inodes utilization |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_driveenclosure_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Drivecnclosure Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system drive enclosure status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_system_drive_Status | HPE StoreOnce System Drive Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce system drive status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storagecluster_HardwareStatus | HPE StoreOnce Storagecluster Hardware Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storagecluster hardware status .Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storagecluster_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storagecluster Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage cluster status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storagecontroller_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storagecontroller Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage controller status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_EstimatedChargeRemaining | HPE StoreOnce Storage Supercapacitor Estimated Remaining Charge | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage super capacitor estimated charge remaining | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_ChargeStatus | HPE StoreOnce Storeage Supercapacitor Charge Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage supercapacitor charge status. Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Supercapacitor Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage supercapacitor status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_iocachemodule_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage IOCacheModule Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage IOCache module status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_port_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Port Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage port status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_managedcable_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage ManagedCable Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage managed cable status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_pool_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Pool Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage pool status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_volume_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Volume Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage volume status. Possible values are - UNUSED :0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6 , OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_driveenclosure_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Driveenclosure Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage drive enclosure status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_enclosureprocessor_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Enclosure Processor Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage enclosure Processor status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_iomodule_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage IOModule Status | 1.0.0 | HPE storeOnce storage IOModule status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_mgmtprocessor_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage MgmtProcessor Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce Storage MgmtProcessor status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_powersupply_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage PowerSupply Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage powersupply status. Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_fan_Speed | HPE StoreOnce Storage Fan Speed | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage fan speed. | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_fan_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Fan Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage fan status. Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_Temperature | HPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor Temperature | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage tempsensor temperature. | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage tempsensor status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |
Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
hpe_storeonce_storage_drive_TotalHoursPoweredOn | HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive TotalHoursPoweredOn | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage drive total poweredOn hours | |
hpe_storeonce_storage_drive_Status | HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Status | 1.0.0 | HPE StoreOnce storage drive status.Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7 |